Stay At Home Mom's #161

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  • Good morning all!!
    And it really is a beautiful morning here today. It's going to be 80 degrees!!! I love days like this when I don't need to have my air or heat on and can open some windows and enjoy the breeze. Now if Dh was home he'd want the air on because he is really hot natured, but I'm not. It would have to get over 90 for me to get hot enough to want the air on.

    Crystal, thank you so much for checking in on me today. I am feeling really good actually (honestly) I'm walking normally, just a little soreness left but I think I survived this one, lol. Ok, I know... not funny. But I feel almost myself this morning and I slept great last night. Yes my SIL does have two kids, one that is in school and the other is almost 2. And yes, Dh knows they are like that. Sometimes he gives the benefit of the doubt, like yesterday. He was really concerned about me and talked me into calling her to see if she could help me and when he found out what she said and did he was so angry and wanted to chew her out. But I told him it was pointless... they are who they are and they've always been like that towards me. The only person I really like in DH's family is his dad and his cousin Teresa. But I couldn't call her because she is working like crazy right now putting in mandatory overtime. So I was stuck. But that is ok... I do feel better today so I'm not going to dwell on it any further. So glad your foot is better today! My front porch is so small that I finished it yesterday, so what do I do now? I don't have an entryway and no seperate dining room (I have an eat-in kitchen) so does that mean I get the rest of the week off?? (from the zone anyway?) I'm thinking about getting a head start on my kitchen which is next weeks zone. What do you all think?
    Penny thank you so much for your sympathy about my SIL. It was rude of her. Sorry I missed the late night chat, I was fast alseep at 11:30 last night. Maybe we can start up the 2 pm chat again?

    Well I am debating on what to do today. I need a few groceries but I really don't want to go anywhere today. But then again I guess I'll have to. Maybe it would feel good to get out of the house. I wonder what comes out on video today? I would like to see a good movie.
    Ok, gonna get off here and get around. TTYL!
  • Good Morning Girls!!

    Crystal - Yes I had my gallbladder removed, my attacks were so bad that when I went to the er the docs just came running cuz they couldnt be sure that it was chest pain. I still get attacks even after my gallbladder was removed but they don't last long and not nearly as bad as the ones when I was trying to pass stones. I had an endoscopy done (put a long scope down your throat) and they looked to see if I had any stones floating around but they didnt see any and they said that it could be a possibility to have the duct clipped and they may stop all together. Well, on another note, I'm glad your foot is feeling better!!

    Spryng - 80 degrees?? You lucky duck!! Although it is very beautiful today too well so far any way the sun is shining and birds a chirpin' lol. I'm glad that you are feeling better, and I cant believe how your sil treated you. I suppose I'm very fortunate because if my in laws lived close they would be here in a heartbeat if I needed them for anything at all. I had 6 surgeries in the last 7 months and my mother in law tried to be here for all of them, but she doesnt like to drive in the winter time and I can't blame her so she didnt make it. But one time when i had a surgery and she really wanted to be here to help out she was crying cuz she just couldnt make it, she's hard as nails on the outside but just so sweet!

    Everyone else, good morning to you!!!
    I gotta go Teagan is crying she wants momma to hold her.
  • HI Ladies!

    Glad you are feeling better No you can't take the rest of the week off! You can come help me with mine....

    I bet your foot will be sore for a while. I know that hurts! Have fun running errands. Been there done that yesterday!

    I just wanted to say how happy I am for you! You are doing so awesome! That weight is going to start flying off!

    Things are going really great for me today Hunter lost his first front tooth yesterday evening! I was so upset b/c I am not ready for him to grow up! Sniff Sniff!

    Hope everyone has a great day! Off to get some cleaning done!
  • Just a quick good morning. Dh is upstairs with the kids..he only worked til about 2:30am so he's going to work on the deck til he gets tired and will take a nap. He let me come work out first. SWEETIE

    So I have to get going! Will mow today when Mom gets here. Crystal...thanks for the good wishes. Guess my Uncle was more alert yesterday and could hear people but the pain meds are keeping him quite groggy. It's just a matter of time..hopefully quickly!

    OK, talk to you all later!!
  • Ah, the continuing saga of me versus the computer......think the computer is winning.
    Spryng- glad you are feeling better!!!!!
    To everyone else.......hope your day is going well. Sorry not to get personal, I have been online for an hour trying to leave a post- all are booted off.......grrrrrrrrrrrrr...... and I am out of time.
    Remember ladies- drink your water- so important with warmer weather coming upon most of us (except here in NY where it was 30 degrees last nite.)
    Have a great day.
  • I went to LA today, I down a pound. I will only report the loss once a week, I think going 3 times a week is too much. My body weight fluctuates too much. I told them that I had been hungry and they up my plan since I am still nursing. It will be much easier to live by. I did a Yoga class at the gym. It was pretty intense. I feel like I got a good workout but I did not really sweat. It is on T/Th at 800am. I was 10 min. late today.

    Spryng - I am with you on the air. I love the heat. I ride in the car with windows down when JW is not in the car. Dh freezes me out at night, I use a down comforter. Glad to here you are feeling better.

    Penny - Does the tooth fairy come to your house? What is the going rate now adays? I would get a quarter.

    Ginny - You are right about the water, it can make or break you in the summer. Good to see you posting more often.
  • undefinedundefined

    Good morning ladies! The weather here (as Crystal can confirm) is beautiful. I am dreading the summer though, everyone tells me it gets VERY VERY hot here. To me hot is 80 degrees. It feels like it's been summer since March!!

    Michelle, I know that Kalispell is pretty small, so if you know ANYONE in town w/the last name of Brass, I am related to them. I can't wait to get up there and visit my relatives there, and swim in Flathead Lake.... (ughhh, I miss the NW)

    Crystal, Terrell is only 30 minutes away! Wow, we're practicly neighbors. Is Terrell near Rowlett? I have no friends if you ever want to meet for coffee or lunch, that would be fun! I get pretty lonely here, not knowing anyone here except my family. TX is pretty cool. It's nice to live somewhere, where I'm not surrounded by a bunch of tree-hugging, flag burning, hippies. LOL. People here are SO nice. I can't get over that...Sorry about your foot, I hope it feels better soon.

    Spryng, Sorry to hear about your pain. And since I'm new here, can you tell me what SIL is?? I'm not on the computer much, so I'm not familiar w/popular abreviations.

    Is there any good weight loss program working VERY well for any of you that is VERY cheap and easy? What do you ladies do that really works for you. I am personally getting burnt out on writing every little detail of what I eat, feel, and do to work out. I feel obsessed or something...although I am w/losing weight...hahahaa Talk to you ladies later!! Must go endulge in my morning crutch... (coffee )

  • Geri,
    sounds like you will be a busy bee cutting the grass whats the temp there?

    Sry the computer monster is giving you a hard time! grrrrr......

    Congrats congrats on the weight loss! I finally decided to get Andrew off the boobie for good. He is almost 11 months old. I think it is time. He hasn't nursed since 5 30am on yesterday on one side. The tooth fairy brought 4 dollars.

    I live in your neighboring state. Louisiana. I do South Beach but I think it is just what you feel comfortable with!

    Have a great day everyone!
    I am off to pick up some stuff for hubby for work grrrr...... But hey it puts bread on the table! LOL

    Have a great one! I know I am!
    And I feel so good about myself
  • Penny!!! You are doing awesome!! Keep it up girl remember WI is coming up on Sunday!! Thanks for keeping me in line

    Sarah- I agree that you should pick a plan that you feel comfortable with and feel that you can stick to for LIFE most of us are making lifestyle changes not just dieting. I too am on the south beach diet (I buddy up with penny to keep eachother in check) I started on atkins then my doc switched me to SB and I love it so far.

    Melinda - WTG on the 1 lb loss!! keep it up!

    Ginny - Sorry your computer is still acting up! Give it a good swift kick in the hard drive Hope all is well on your end.

    Geri - I'm so glad your hubby let you get your work out in that was very sweet of him! WTG on the exercise you inspire me to work out more I didn't work out yesterday but I'm gonna try for 3 miles today.

    Ok guys I'm going to go get my walk in and then get back to cleaning the house.
    Love to you all!!
  • PS Penny's tooth fairy must be rich lmao!!
  • I was thinking the same thing about Penny's tooth fairy. Since we're in neighboring states do you think your tooth fairy would come this far? LOL!!!

    Sarah, just wait until July and August. Anything between 95 and 105 is normal. Be prepared. It's not all bad though. I live about 20 or 25 minutes from Rowlett. Don't ever go there though. I'm about 20 minutes from Rockwall which is where I really like to go. Don't go there very much either, but I love Rockwall. We really do need to meet sometime. With your newborn we'll have to wait awhile. Maybe this summer when Kyle is bigger and can tolerate the heat more. Even though I've lived here my whole life, I don't have any friends. My sister lives about an hour away and has 7 kids so she isn't free very often. My other good friend lives over an hour away so I don't see her like ever. I have another friend, we're not really close, our dh's are best friends, but she works and goes to school and only has one kid and has other friends too, so we don't really ever get together. That's it for me. I didn't stay in touch with anyone from high school or anything. Anyway, we'll make some plans sometime.

    You girls have a good day.
  • [FONT=Century Gothic]Penny & Michelle, Is the South Beach a pretty easy one to follow, or does it have LOTS of dietary restrictions. I've tried slimfast, but I only follow it a week or two before I get bored. Weight Watchers would be fun, but I trying to save $$ since I am now a SAHM. The journaling thing works, I am just tired of it....I should just stick it outthough, because it has worked for me this far.

    Crystal, My hubby actually works in Rowlett now, but is being transferred to Plano...which is nice since Rowlett is 50 miles roundtrip. I think it would be fun to get together this summer w/our kids.

    Well, I must go now and take my big booty and my baby on a walk around the neighborhood before it gets too hot.

    Later ladies!! Sarah [/FONT]
  • Sarah - I think that South Beach is Very easy to follow, but some may disagree with me, I'm very dedicated to getting back in shape and I want nothing to stand in my way and I hold that power and I just recently realized that! So basically weight loss is a mind set you gotta tell yourself that this is what you really want and you are going to make it happen. One thing that got me motivated were my children, I told myself one day that I want to be here to see my kids graduate to see them get married to see my grandchildren and that wasn't going to happen if I didnt make a lifestyle change lose the weight! I've been "dieting" for 4 weeks now and I feel so much better than I did, I'm happier, I have more energy, and I'm getting healthy.

    Crystal - we should ask penny if her toothfairy takes road trips lol I know I never got no 4 bucks when My teeth fell out lol maybe a dollar.

    Well guys I got my 2 mile walk in and I sat down to rest afterwards and I felt my leg muscles twitching all over it was a great feeling!! I've got 32 oz of water down I didnt have breakfast I wasnt hungry but I'm gonna have 1/2 c. ff cottage cheese and 10 cucumber slices and a glass of tomato juice for lunch. I set a mini goal last night to be at least 200 lbs by august first but I'm definately going to try and beat that

    Well I better go eat something so I dont lose my energy.
    Love to all
  • Sarah, you seem alot like me. You like your sugar. I do too and I can't follow ANY plan. I've tried Atkins, I read through South Beach, tried Weight Watchers. You name it. I'll tell you what works for me...counting calories. I'm able to eat whatever I want. The main thing you have to watch for is portion sizes. I'm a snacker too. I could snack all day and not eat any meals. I had to work on that. First I changed to sugar free snacks, and fruit. Now I don't snack too badly and when I do it's much much better for me. This is what works for me becuase EVERYTHING has it's calorie content on it and all you do is write it down and keep count. You can have up to about 1800 calories a day and still lose weight. I try to target 1500 everyday. I've been doing this for a month now and it's a part of my life, it's not a big deal to count. Spryng got me into keeping a diary of everything I eat and that's what I do. I collect low cal, low fat and healthy cook books and I love to cook and try new recipes. So I'll sit down once a week and work up a menu and make my grocery list. That's another secret, make a menu and go with it. Take this for instance: My menu from yesterday:
    B- 3 bisuits with low fat gravy
    L- chicken sandwich with cheese and baked chips
    D- 2 grilled chicken thighs and sauteed squash and zucchini
    during the day I snacked on 3 sugar free cookies and at night I enjoyed a Weight Watchers ice cream cone. I drank mostly water on top of my 3 cups of coffee in the morning and sometimes I'll enjoy a diet dr. pepper. I almost topped 1500 calories yesterday but not quite. Not a bad day of eating, huh?
    I'm just sharing this with you to give you an idea and suggestion. All the other diets are too restrictive for me. Anyway, hopes this helps.
  • Crystal - What is that menu website again? e-menus. I have not been able to get it to come out. I need to learn how to shop better. We are at the grocery store every other day, but with all the fresh fruits and veggies we eat it is almost necessary.
