Frontline on PBS 4/8

  • So did anyone else catch Frontline last night? It was on selecting a diet, and reviewed the various diets out there, interviewing their founders and proponents. Pretty interesting.
  • No, I didn't see it, I heard it was a "battle royale" between the low-fat camp and the low-carb camp. I have never really understood the concept of a commercial diet, it's just so alien to me.
  • Well I wouldn't say it was really so much a battle as "one man's journey in research." The commercial plans covered were Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, and Low-fat, and the reporter gathered information about the benefits and claims of each in formulating a plan for himself. It dug into the food industry's response to the low fat movement, discussing the science of that response and it's impact on the obesity epidemic. Some of it was familiar news, but I found the scientific aspect interesting, and I enjoyed the objective, scientific response to the various diets' claims.

    I can relate to not following an organized plan, because what I'm doing isn't a packaged, marketed plan either. I think I benefit, though, by gathering information from those sources and others, so that I can put together a more complete picture to reference in making my own decisions. I especially liked the part that discussed "good carbs/bad carbs" and glucose respnse, because I'm incorporating that awareness bigtime in my selection of carbohydrates. Also, the fat conversation was interesting. And I liked the premise of the show, which involved the reporter's research and subsequent weight loss after making an informed decision.
  • must admit i missed it i was too busy getting sucked into survivor. but i tend to just go for healthy lifestyle. i have learned that diets just don't work for me.
  • I agree, it was a really good show. We didn't get to see the first part of it though, we flipped over to it right when they were showing the clip of Mrs. Atkins being interviewed. We did watch the rest of the show though. I think he's got the best idea. I am half-assedly doing SBD. What I mean by that is, I eat bacon and sausage and ocassionally will splurge if I feel I just can't resist. But the main thing I got from it, is what anyone else with common sense will tell you...

    Don't eat so much and get off your *** and move around.

    I did find the thing about childrens physical education disturbing. As much as I hated it when I was in highschool and Jr high - I now see the importance of it and think it should be required as the lady said - K-12. Also they should have a section on nutrition and health. The statistics are very frightening, especially the estimated statistics for the years to come.

    It seems to me like the decrease of physical labor jobs and the increase in the need for women to work outside the home, desk jobs, technology, and the increase in fast food & restaurant chains and the decrease in their prices all have factored in to err... shape us into what we are today. Sedentary over worked unhappy fat people.*LOL*