"Net Carbs" on SBD

  • Many foods are labeled with Net Carbs which is the carbohydrate grams minus the fiber grams. This must be an Atkins concept. Does it have any relevance for us on SBD?
  • Not really relevant. It's for Atkins folks who want to keep carbs under 20 on Induction. I think they sometimes are subtracting sugar alcohols too which is stuff we probably should not be eating. Damned frankenfoods!
  • I wouldn't bother with it, Chris. One of the beauties of South Beach is that we don't have to count anything. As long as you're eating the right stuff, you shouldn't have to get finicky about counting your carbs.
    But you can if you want to.
  • Geez. Freaks me out when someone posts at the same time as me.
  • Thanks for the explanation. I guess it is relevant only to the extent that fiber is a good thing.
  • Just wanted to toss a though out there. "Net Carbs" is not currently regulated, and may not be accurate. There have been studies of foods that claimed to have reduced carbs, but when tested, some actually had more carbs than the original. Also, if you compare labels, you will often find that reduced carbs leads to an increase in saturated fat. Gotta be careful when dealing with marketers. I believe that "net carbs" claims will be regulated starting in 2005 (when they have to list Trans fats as well). Until then, you have to use your own judgement about what is good or bad.