Motivation Monday

  • Good morning all!

    I am calling this thread motivation monday, hoping some people will come out and play. What is happening to our group? We are dwindling, apparantly.

    Well, I am getting over Barney's death a lot better now, and I seem to be able to think about him with happy memories. Over the past few days I have realized how much we were doing for him and how he wasn't like a healthy dog. WE just go so used to seeing him there, sick and slow, that we forgot he wasn't normal.

    Anyway, one day at a time.

    I have managed to eat within my points though, which has amazed me - I am an emotional eater....I was sad b/c I bought a pair of jeans from Old Navy and they were a size 18. I fit the 16, but not comfortable. I bought the "at waist" kind, as the low waist showed some crack when I bent even slightly...I just say no to crack!!

    But, the jeans are comfy and it could be worse.

    Where the heck is everyone today?


  • Hi Belle (and everyone else)!

    I am here, working away and doing homework too. Not much new with me. I have been eating more though. I have found that last week when I limited how much I was eating, I was losing my milk supply, so now I am eating all my extra points that I am given for breastfeeding, and my supply has returned.

    I am still watching what I eat, but I have found that I really won't lose the weight I want until I am done breastfeeding. And, I am ok with that. I hope that I can bf 3 more months and then worry about this extra weight.

    Belle ~ I am glad that you are finding a place in your heart reserved for Barney. It is really tough losing a pet. I can't imagine not having Zeus around, even though he tracked mud into my house this morning!

    Well, my studies are calling (and so is lunch!)

  • Morning!! I have an exciting meeting for most of the day with the US student loan people. They're people I talk to all the time on the phone and e-mail a lot but I've never met them face to face. A lot like all of us! It'll be nice to meet them. I was getting dressed this morning and realized I have no really "nice" clothes. And the "nice" clothes that I used to have are too big (yeah) and I don't want to buy new because they'll get too big (OK, I'll get smaller) but it sure was nice this morning to see that I'm not too far from getting into some of the ones I bought when I hit my low at my sister's wedding a year and a half ago. It's my motivation. I will be in my "thin" clothes for the summer and I will buy new clothes for school in the fall.

    OK - too much to do before this meeting, I'll try to check in after if I get a chance.
