An Article on Green Tea

  • Parts used and where grown: All teas (green, black, and oolong) are derived from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. The difference is in how the plucked leaves are prepared. The leaves of the tea plant are used both as a social and medicinal beverage. Green tea, unlike black and oolong tea, is not fermented, so the active constituents remain unaltered in the herb.

    The known health conditions where green tea has been found to be an effective treatment or preventative.

    cancer risk reduction
    gingivitis (periodontal disease)
    high cholesterol
    high blood pressure
    high triglycerides
    immune function
    prostate health
    Historical or traditional use: According to Chinese legend, tea was discovered accidentally by an emperor 4,000 years ago. Since then, traditional Chinese medicine has recommended green tea for headaches, body aches and pains, digestion, depression, immune enhancement, detoxification, as an energizer, and to prolong life. Modern research has confirmed many of these health benefits.

    Active constituents: Green tea contains volatile oils, vitamins, minerals, and caffeine, but the active constituents are polyphenols, particularly the catechin called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). The polyphenols are believed to be responsible for most of green tea's roles in promoting good health.1

    Research demonstrates that green tea guards against cardiovascular disease in many ways. Green tea lowers total cholesterol levels and improves the cholesterol profile (the ratio of LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol), reduces platelet aggregation, and lowers blood pressure.2 3 4 5 The polyphenols in green tea have also been shown to lessen the risk of cancers of several sites, stimulate the production of several immune system cells, and have anti-bacterial properties -- even against the bacteria that cause dental plaque.6 7 8

    How much should I take? Much of the research documenting the health benefits of green tea is based on the amount of green tea typically drunk in Asian countries -- about three cups per day (providing 240-320 mg of polyphenols). To brew green tea, 1 U.S. teaspoon (5 grams) of green tea leaves are combined with 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water and steeped for three minutes. One capsule of our green tea contains 300mg of standardized green tea extracts of polyphenols, particularly EGCG, providing 97% polyphenol content -- which is equivalent to drinking four cups of tea.

    Are there any side effects or interactions? Green tea is extremely safe. The most common adverse effect reported from consuming large amounts of green tea is insomnia, anxiety, and other symptoms caused by the caffeine content in the herb. There is NO caffine in the green tea extract offered below. The tea bags are not decaffeinated as that will spoil the flavor for most drinkers.
  • Thanks little chick.
    I try, I try to drink green tea. I just can't help liking black tea more. Black tea with nonfat milk...mmmm...tastes like a treat.
  • Green Tea is okay, but I only steep it for 30 seconds, that's what the box says. Any more than that and it tastes horrid.

    Oh, and I don't know about anyone else but I seem to run even more to the bathroom than usual when i drink the green tea. Annyoing but worth it.
  • I'm a big fan of green tea, which I've been drinking for several years. There are some brands that I don't like, though. My favorite is Good Earth's Green Tea w/ Jasmine, and I just found a green tea w/ jasmine at Trader Joe's that tastes great and is much cheaper! Republic of Tea makes a decent one, but it's costly.
  • I like the green tea with mint. That is the only one so far that I have found that I like.
  • Oh, I never found any flavored ones. I've been just drinking the plain kind. I'll have to look for it now.
  • Lizzi- My grocery store has a gagillion types of green tea with and without caffeine and flavors. They have a "gourmet" aisle in addition to the tea/coffee aisle... you might try that. I can't remember the store I used to go to out west, but I know Safeway has teas, and they have those out your way...