I am so lost.

  • I have been overweight for way too long now.These last couple of years, though, I have really gone overboard. I am only 5'3" and I wieght 243 lbs. I cannot motivate myself to excersize anymore. I used to walk every night before it got this bad. But then I developed this severe anxiety and I am afraid to go walking at night, or anything really. I excersize very little, and I know that is a big part of my problem. I have plently of time to do it, I just don't. I would if someone would do it with me, If I had someone there to motivate me, but there isn't anyone. I eat relatively healthy, but have a tendency to binge. I pack my lunch to school so that it will be healthy, and try not to eat too bad for breakfast, but I never know what will happen at supper. I am a sucker for unhealthy foods. I don't know what to do. I can feel my face's weight pulling it down. I feel like my chin sags down to my chest and my thighs are like trees. I am afraid all the time. My mom joined curves, but I am afraid to go because some of my peers work there. I know I shouldn't be afraid, but I am. I am so scared. Every time I go to the doctor I am afraid that they will find diabetes. My family couldn't get me insured for a while because no one would accept someone as obese as me. Sometimes I feel like developing an eating disorder just to get the weight out of the way, I feel like I could deal with the emotional problems later. I know that's not the right way, but I just can't seem to do it.
  • Hey there, my name is Suzy and I just wanted to tell you that I was once 240 pounds, I am down to 205 and have been stuck here for about 3 months. I know how it is, I am afraid to walk outside on the street. I go to the mall before it opens here and walk and that seems to help. I am also 5'3. I can be your buddy and we can try to motivate each other to get up and go and do. I also have started the Pilates system to help me with flexibility and stretching. I try to cook healthy, and sometimes I fail in that. It seems like more often than not I fail in that.

    I can help you the best I can to get motivated to get going. We can compair notes, we all have to have a place to start. I think what scared me into losing weight the most is that my Doctor told me if I did not that I would die. Dr. Phil said it best "If your willing to die for someone, why aren't you willing to live for them also?"
  • I highly recommend the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds series. If you are just starting out, do a 1 mile walk or 2 mile walk. You work out in the privacy of our own house without someone looking at you, judging you etc. It's a great series.


    Good luck!
  • Thanks

    I recently got a pilates dvd, and I like it, I just can't seem to get myself to do it often enough. There always seems to be something better to do.

    I think I need to stop little notes and pictures around the house to motivate me.
  • I too recommend the WATP dvd I have been doing it for three weeks and I started with the 1 mile, then the 2 mile and I am now doing the 3 mile. I have never exercised before and I have lost 15 pounds and many inches in the three weeks i have done it. And the best part is the dvd is not really that hard as long as you work your way upto it. I find myself wanting to exercise now and I get to do it in my bedroom. I do not like to exercise in front of ANYONE and tell my family that when I go in the bedroom and if they come in "there will be he## to pay)

    Hope this helps.......If you make yourself do it you WILL feel better afterwards.....Good luck

  • My dear gotta stop,

    That's exactly what you gotta do, you gotta stop saying "I can't", if you watch Dr. Phil you should know that the only person that can make you excercise and eat healthy is YOU! Noone can do it for you, I don't mean to sound harsh but you CAN do it!! Make it a priority in your life, make IT the thing that is the most important, not other things that come up b/c if you don't things won't change for you. I agree w/ the other girls, WATP is a great series, I do it myself and love it, I also walk 6 miles to and from the beach some days (like today ), I also run but I have to MAKE myself run, it's not something I enjoy, I do it b/c it feels so good afterwards! I would like to suggest (if I may) that you try the South Beach diet, I am on day 4 of it and my clothes are looser already, my sugar cravings are gone and it's sooo easy! I lifted you up in prayer just now and want you to know that w/ God all things are possible!

    Many blessings,

  • Thanks-

    I am looking at the DVDs you suggested online right now, but I don't know which one to choose. There are so many different ones. Any ideas?
  • ^ What are you packing in your lunch? you said it was healthy but what exactly are you taking to eat. I ask because you say that you binge and so if you don't mind, I'd like to know because I also pack all my food and take it with me to work and maybe we can help eachother in ways to eat better.
    also, walk in the day time.
  • Hi Gottastop,
    Sorry I mentioned Dr. Phil to you in my last post, I got your post mixed up w/ someone else's that said they watched Dr. Phil! I have the WATP for the Abs 1 mile, 2 mile, & 3 mile set, they are easy to follow and you can go at your own pace, I'm sure any of her videos are awesome! Let us know how you like them

    God bless,
  • Well, in my lunch, I usually pack a diet soda, a turkey sandwhich (no mayo or sauces of any kind), and some raw veggies/fruit. It's not great, but it's a lot better than the lunches I was getting from the cafeteria (Nachos, pizzam reeses, fries, etc.)

    As far as the Dr. Phil thing goes, no prob. I have actually never seen his show. I'm never home in time for it. I will look into getting those DVDs as soon as I get my paycheck.

    Last night I was so proud of myself, I made myself get out and go for a walk. My friend told me that if you do something everu day for 21 days it will become habit, but night two I have already ruined it. Not only did I not go for a walk, but I ate way too much. I usually don't let myself eat something that I know I will binge on if I am alone, but I did tonight. There was no one here to help me get rid of i. :/ I feel really disgusting right now. But tomorrow's a new day, right? I'll try again.