Happy St. Patty's Day Wednesday Check-in

  • Hi all,

    Just wanted to get today's thread going. I had a better night's sleep but am still kind of zonky. Guess I'll have to catch up this weekend.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Happy St. Pat's! I will be offline for a couple of days. I'd just like to announce that I got a GREAT night's sleep last night! I wore all my braces (I've got tendonitis just about everywhere and get lazy about wearing those braces - but they really help) and earplugs - since it's was Dan's turn with the baby. I'm feeling GREAT! Wow! What a difference a good night's sleep makes!
  • I am alive!
    [B]Happy St. Patty's Day[/B]

    I am just busy at work, on this and that, applying for some jobs. I love my job, just sometimes I want to be stimulated more than emergency work.

    Drugging Kat's unborn children you gals are nuts. Mine was pout, angry, and all out of sorts this morning. You know why? He couldn't control me. I wanted to hand him the Big Book and tell him that's life. We can sit around trying to have all the control in the world over other people and it just leads to frustration. I surrender my life to HP and I am having the exact day I am suppose to have.

    I will try to check back later. Wednesday! What a busy day. Yesterday's meeting was about me getting there to do service. Today it's just getting there and not staying too late. I got a 12 hour shift in the morning.

    Much love to all! Congrats on your sleep Angi!
    Miss Chris
  • Oh, Angi, sounds good. Good for you, good for your DH. That's why I sleep with the baby - because it's all me at night, and I have to do what I need to in order to survive. Not that my DH is a caveman or anything, he's just lower-energy and works long hours and is a woosie when it comes to bodily fluids. I'm looking forward to spending entire weekends sleeping when they're finally in college.

    Hope you have a good day, Chris, and you get a well-deserved break sometime soon!

    Kat - good luck TTC! Hope it happens as fast as you want it and as slowly and your DH does! (They like a good period of trying, you know. )

    We just got back from Matthew's weekly head check - did I explain his condition? Probably not. DS was born with part of his skull fused together where it should've been open. Fortunately, it was evident at birth, and so far, he hasn't shown any signs of developmental delays or anything else related to a syndrome. He had surgery at 12 weeks, and now he wears an orthotic helmet (you've probably seen these - kids who get flat heads from back sleeping wear them) to correct the shape of his skull as it grows. It's working, the surgery went great, so everything's fine - we just have more than the usual family's share of doctor's appointments.

    That reminds me, I've got some calls to make, so I better go while no one's screaming!

    Have lovely days, all!
  • Where is everyone?
    Off drowning in green beer?

    I am attending the 5:15 online meeting. Then it's a Pilates workout and then we're going over our friends' for some St. Patty's Day merriment.

    Hope everyone is well.
  • Hey, it's 8:30, the kids AND DH are in bed, and I'm alone on the computer. It doesn't get any merrier around here!!