Looking for my double ;)

  • Posted for an Atkins-type buddy Check it out if you like.

    Buddy request
  • Hey there Cinny!

    I'm not your double (I'm too short ) but I sure hope you find her. In the meantime, stick around and play with us. This is a great group! Lots of support, humor, and advice to be found.
  • Thanks! I'm not going anywhere, buddy or not. You guys are stuck with me while I slim down.
  • Good! Can we all go to Vegas to celebrate you making goal? I've always wanted to go to Vegas! My maid of honor lives there and I've still never gone out.
  • Sure! Im pretty sure we can find some trouble to get into around here. Seriously though, I think it would be neat to have a meeting of some kind on this forum. Really give you something extra to push towareds our goals for.
  • Ooh, I'm all about a trip to Vegas!! I love it there! But, I've never been there with a group of girls. I think it would be such a fun place for a girls-only weekend! Let me know when the party is -- I'm there!
  • Good luck finding your buddy but hey, don't leave us when you reach goal huh.
  • Look out Vegas, 3FC is coming to town! :lol Of course not Leenie If I can lose it all, then anybody could and I gotta be here to motivate ya.
  • Vegas? Did I hear "trip to Vegas"??????? Count me in baby!!
  • I love Vegas! I am there too. You do realize that we will be the hottest things there!
  • or at the very least.... the most obnoxious
  • You forgot loudest and most gorgeous!
  • I'm bringing tiaras for everyone!
  • I'll bring the "Princess" tee-shirts!
  • ok, i'm so excited now I'm gonna pee my pants... tiara's AND princess t-shirts!