Sabotage thine self

  • You know, I seem to get on a roll with weight loss, do really well and then sabotage myself. Almost as if I can't possibly stand to see myself be successful. What is up with that? Anyone else ever had this struggle and if so HELP. What did you do to get off the merry-go-round? I get so frustrated with myself but yet I go back and do the same thing again. Any words of advice are appreciated. I am not gaining weight, well, let me rephrase that..for the past few weeks I have gained and lost 2 - 3 lbs each week which lets me stay the same. I am tired of it. I need to get this weight off and have to figure out how to support myself in doing so.

  • I hope this won't offend you, but sometimes there are psychological reasons for this that we're not conscious of, and a good counselor might be able to work with you to sort them out.
  • Sometimes you just get scared. Personally, I have often found it extremly uncomfortable in some situations when I am used to going completly overlooked to being actively noticed. Some things are so different now and sometimes along the way and even now I wish I could just hide back in my shell where everyone left me alone. I just had to keep telling myself that I was doing this for me. So that I could live a long, healthy life that I actually enjoy. Life is just too short to be scared of what you don't know. Don't let anything stand in the way of reaching your goals, even when it's you. Good luck!

  • I agree with Shelia. Sometimes you just need to sit down and figure out the reasons. Sometimes they can be simple: my tummy hurts this week, I'm stressed about this project or sometimes they can be more complicated like: I'm tired of people commenting about how much weight I've lost, or If I lose this weight people will reject me for reasons I'm not ready to deal with yet.

    Hope that helps!
  • Quote: I am not gaining weight, well, let me rephrase that..for the past few weeks I have gained and lost 2 - 3 lbs each week which lets me stay the same. I am tired of it. I need to get this weight off and have to figure out how to support myself in doing so.

    I hear you COMPLETELY and I'm so tired of it too. I think we are just going to have to bite the bullet and make a bigger change somewhere. Try to choose one little corner of life that is causing you to do this mini-yo-yo and fix it. I think I may start working on bringing a snack to school to eat immediately when school gets out (3:30) so that when I get home between 4 and 6, I'm not ready to eat a HORSE.

    Good luck!
  • For me I don't think it's fear of success ... it's more like pushing the envelope. Gee ... I lost 4 pounds ... if I eat a bit more, I can still lose weight ... next thing I know, I'm not losing anymore and I get discouraged. This is the FIRST time in many years I've lost more than 15 pounds at any weightloss attempt ... my attention span in the past seems to have been about 4 weeks ...
  • For me I do this all the time. Some one said that it was because I am getting rid of my protection. This is true for me.
    Also that anything new for me is scary. And that I don’t truly believe that I deserver to be thin. And that I can’t make it, so i sabotage myself so don’t have to let myself down when I fail. That just me and how I think of things.
    Have been letting myself off the hook. It’s hard for me. But I do let myself off the hook.
    This is just what running around in my head.