Thin4Life - March 8, 2004

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  • Good morning everyone. Not a bad looking day here at all.

    I'm still tired from my run yesterday. 80 minutes! I was just like a boneless chicken last nite and don't feel a whole lot stronger today. Yikes - what will 2.5 hrs feel like?

    Welcome cold canadian . I understand your pain. I still have not reached my personal goal; I hover about 7 lbs above it (even more than that right now). Sometimes I think my PG is unrealistic and that it would be too difficult to maintain 138 given my lifestyle, age and love of food. Guess I'm just not ready to accept that yet.

    And a big welcome back to Melissa. Sounds like you made the most of your time in England. Do you have any digital photos you could post?

    Domina: I have renewed respect for marathoners. The marathon group was running 30km yesterday morning!

    lala: Did you go out for dinner on Friday after all? Oysters and champagne sounded pretty good to me.

    Hi ideal. How was your weekend?
  • Good morning everyone!

    It was SO good to sleep in my own bed with my favorite pillow!!!

    I had a fabulous time in London--the week flew by because we were so busy. We did lots of walking and my hip/butt muscles are still sore I'm not complaining! I didn't take a digital camera with me but once I get my pictures developed I'll scan and post a few. It was interesting to see all the different sites and there's still a lot more to be seen so I figure if I make it back I've gotten the major sites out of the way and I'll be able to see other things. We ate at the pubs and had some of the traditional foods like steak & ale pie, fisherman's pie (smoked fish with cheesy mashed potatoes on top--I wanted to lick the bowl it was so good!), scones, etc. We ate at a couple of Italian restaurants. I enjoyed salmon & prawns, lentils...the list goes on and on! Harrods was interesting--bought a couple of scones from there to eat later. I wish I would've brought more of those home!

    The weather was nice--sunny each day with the exception of Friday and it was just overcast and a light sprinkle at the end of the day but nothing that we had to use umbrellas. The daffodils and crocuses were blooming in the gardens and some of the magnolias were just starting to open up. The weather was better than I anticipated and was glad that I had taken layers with me. The weather back home here was fantastic with temps hitting the 60's and mid 70's--today it's a cool 31 and light snow! At least I won't have any trouble adjusting to a weather change

    Lala: All the info you shared with me was so very helpful! We ate at Pret--the sandwiches were so good! We did go to "slug & lettuce" and just had something to drink.

    The one thing that I didn't do well with was drinking lots of water while I was there. I did well on the plane both to and from but in between I didn't get to drink a whole lot so I'm working on that. All in all it was great!

    I'll post more later on! It's good to be home!
  • Good Morning. We had a very warm weekend here; I'm not rubbing it in, but it was in the mid-80's. I had such a busy weekend that I need to return to work to rest!!

    Friday, I played some golf and that night went with DH to a Follies show with all senior citizens. There were some 70 year old women that I will try to emulate--thin and pretty. They danced, too.

    Saturday, DH and I walked with our Volksmarsch group--almost 9 miles. It was a great walk. Then I was in an act during a Barbershop Show. That was fun.

    Sunday, DH was in a 10K run. I helped out with registration and then sang the National Anthem to kick off the race. Later I had rehearsal for an upcoming Messiah concert. As I said, needed to go to work to rest.

    I made that Chicken and Cheese casserole (WW recipe) on Sunday. I really like that one. It's tasty and not that many points.

    Melissa, It was good to hear from you; when do you return? If you're doing a lot of walking, you should burn those calories.

    lala, I was reading about your revelation in last week's T4L thread. I try to tell myself that it is not good to eat/drink around the computer because some of that stuff might get on the computer and cause real damage!! Glad to hear that Jacques is spunkier. How was Baez?

    Susan, I hope you got some good runs in; have you had warmer weather?

    Ideal, I was phone interviewed by WW and was told there would be a follow-up call and never got one. I have not been impressed with the management in this area of Florida. I've been told by several people that I would be a great WW employee, but the paperwork never gets done. At this point, I really don't care if I work for WW, although I really believe in the program. I must say that the interviewer asked me if I was following the new program with the FlexPoints and I admitted that I lost my weight on Winning Points, so I have stayed with that program (it works for me). That probably didn't sit well with WW folks.

    Well, I've rambled enough.
  • Wow,

    Hello everyone. Its beautiful here. I can't believe it, I'm not going to be bummed that I'm not outside gardening, I'm happy that this is the beginning of the glorious weather here.

    Well, we had a nice time on Friday. We had early reservations at the Dahlia Lounge where I had a nice white salad with fennel, truffle oil and shaved parmesan, sea bass on buckwheat soba noodles and a nice cosmopolitan (not as big as the fairmont in DC, so I was feeling pain). DP had three starters -- celariac soup with oxtail marmalade (hmm), squab with apples and roasted mussels. She ended with homemade donuts -- I had one. It was great service. We then went to the Nordstrom rack where I scored a nice pair of Isaac Mizrahi flats marked down from 178 to 69. Not bad.

    Joan was great and her opener -- Vienna Tang was really good if not a bit too verbal. Its nice to get out and see what is going on in your own town.

    We spent some of the weekend working and the rest gardening. We recieved some sad news about a dear older friend who was just diagnosed with cancer. DP is flying through Boston this weekend and will stop and see her. She is devastated. I am too and will try and see her on the way back from London a few weeks later.

    Anyways, mellow here. Lots of bulbs blooming and cat and dog are quite frisky.

    Melissa -- welcome back. I am soo glad you loved London, its close from the East coast, so remember, you can do london in a weekend.

    Domina -- wow, you walked 9 miles, sang and played golf. You go girl. I don't spill on my keyboard, I just need a change.

    Susan -- 80 minutes. Wew. I know you'll make your goal of running the half marathon.

    Okay, I've written a small novel.

  • Melissa, yes, welcome back. I'm glad you had a good time.

    lala, I didn't mean that you spill things, but if I tell myself that I might spill something on my computer equipment, then I don't want to eat or drink anything. The Dahlia Lounge looks so nice; what interesting menu selections, too.

    I planted some red petunias yesterday and repotted some mums on our front porch. I just wanted more color in the front yard. My freesia is blooming and is so fragrant. I talked to MIL in Ohio and she was shocked that I had planted petunias; she said it was too early (true in Ohio).
  • Good morning. Really quiet here - I'm the only one in the office this week and am going a little mad!

    I've decided I am going to Cuba. I'm looking at a package that leaves Halifax early, early on Apr. 15th, returning late on the 22nd. I've invited one of my sisters to accompany me; she lives in northern New Brunswick and has never been south so I know she'll appreciate the break. We're scrambling to get passports in order; I didn't realize that mine expired in February.

    So now I have incentive to drop a few pounds, as if lugging this extra flab around wasn't enough.

    Melissa: Your trip sounds divine. I'd love to see some photos of the highlights. On another topic, I know you tried the fasttrak for a few weeks. I've been considering it. Just wondering if you felt really restricted and/or deprived.

    lala: London in a weekend? Obviously, you fly exec class

    Domina: I can handle you talking about the warmer weather, but not the gardening! It will be a while before we can even think about flowers. We can dream though.
  • Hi everyone,

    Its soo muggy here. Its rainy and about 55 degrees, feels like spring. I had to open the windows last night to sleep.

    Susan -- I love the idea of going to Cuba. You can expedite your passport (at least in the US) if you can prove you have upcoming travel.

    I am toying with fasttrack myself. After I return from Philadelphia, DC, Boston, London and Edinburgh.

    Domina -- Good for you and getting the plants in the ground. Do you ever grow any of those elephant ear plants or those fantastic exotics that those of us in the colder climes only can dream about?

  • Hi everyone!

    Yesterday was relatively quiet; today is another matter. The boss is driving me up the proverbial wall and I'm taking deep breaths

    Anyway, I made it through yesterday and went to my yoga class--it felt good to stretch the muscles.

    Lala/Susan: Yes, I did follow the Fast Track--it's restrictive in the part that you don't eat processed foods/recipes. It took some planning on my part but the results were worth it for me. I became creative with my meals and it brought me back to basics in terms of portions, grains, protein, etc. If you like I could send you my menus for the week. I followed the High Protein program. You are limited on the number of servings of free veggies you can have. It's a great way to drop some weight quickly.

    It's a cool 31 here today--I think it's supposed to warm up a little later on in the week but nothing like what they had the week I was gone. Figures. At least the sun is out today.

    I'm trying to get back into the groove of keeping my tracker and it's been a little tough since I didn't use it at all while I was in London.

    I've not posted pictures before, so how would I go about doing that? I got my film back last night and could scan a few pictures for you to see.

    Hi to Domina, Ideal!
  • Hello, lifers.

    Melissa, I can't help with posting photos. I've never done it on this site.

    lala, humid, ugh, you're reminding of our summers here. I have several types of palms in our yard, some aloe, shefflera, and, of course, hibiscus. I haven't tried elephant ears. I also have lariope which are nice.

    Hello to Susan and Ideal.
  • Hi Lifers

    It's a beautiful, sunny day here...a balmy 38 degrees. Tomorrow I believe we're supposed to maybe see some rain/snow. I hope it blows right by us!

    I've done really well with getting back on track and keeping my tracker up to date. That was a little tough after not keeping track the whole week I was in London. I went to my meeting today and was pleased...I lost .4 while away! I figured all the walking/steps counteracted the foods I ate. I basically only had one big meal a day and that was mid-afternoon. My evening meal consisted of soup & wine.

    Domina: I talked with my girlfriend in Clearwater yesterday and she said the weather beautiful, no humidity and sunny. I'm thinking about heading down her way in May.

    Susan: Cuba sounds interesting. My dad was there back in the late 70's to repair a stack. He was there around Easter (April) and found the weather very nice. I'm sure you can get your weight to where you want it by then. The Fast Track really helps move things along and get you into the losing mode. I'm still kind of following the foods and I feel so much more satisfied.

    Lala: I don't know that I'd try to go to London for a weekend--although I'm sure it could be done. I brought some scones back from Marks & Spencer and Harrod's. The ones from Harrod's were delicious! Now I wish I would've bought a few more. Just looking at your travel schedule I get tired! Your quite the jet-setter! DH is going to Ireland in August with a rugby club.

    Hi to Ideal!
  • Hi everyone,

    Beautiful here. Sunny and a high of 55. Whoo hooo.

    I'm considering going for a putter at lunch, I must remember to get my shoes out of the car.

    Urgh, I didn't weigh in yesterday, I'm thinking of weighing in tomorrow or on Saturday and hoping for the best before Philly and London. I wish I could lose weight while in London.

    You guys, I go to London all the time for a weekend, okay, sometimes for three days. Fly on Friday and leave on Monday -- so technically four days. In October, I left on Friday am from DC and got in that night and left bright and early on Sunday AM, suffice it to say, I did not suffer from jet lag. Its a pain from the west coast, but definitely doable for me. Mind you, I am 87.9% of the time in a biz. seat.

    Anyhoo, munching on my baba ganuoush and red peppers. I made this most interesting mushroom/barley soup from Health magazine. I am hoping its palatable.

    Last nights dinner was supposed to be stir fry, but we had pasta ala carbonara instead. I made it with 1 cup of pasta (4?), one egg (2), 1.5 slices of bacon- ripped off most of the fat (3) and 2T shredded parmesan. It was pretty tasty, but not veggie filled. Good thing I had a honking salad at lunch.

    On to clean living today.

    Susan -- I am still jealous of you. I guess I could also go to Cuba on my other passport, but you are flying directly from Canada correct? Mmmm. Mojitos.

    Domina -- I like lirope. My parents had some in their old house.

    Any plans for the weekend ladies?

  • Mornin.

    Here's my weather report - 10-15 cm of snow following by freezing rain for all of today into tomorrow. Grrr. Now you know why I'm going to Cuba!

    Actually, we have lost a ton of snow since that disastrous storm so I shouldn't complain. It's just all of your talk about flowers that has me worked up

    lala: Yes, I'm flying from Halifax on a charter. No seat selection. Yuk! The upside is that we arrive there early in the morning (after a middle of the night departure) and on the return flight, we leave late at night so we're getting eight full days.

    Domina: I keep forgetting how close Cuba is to Florida. I guess we can expect some of the same weather you are getting. I hope to continue running but will have to plan it for early, early morning to avoid the sun. I could not be a runner if I lived in a warmer climate - have a hard enough time with Canadian summers.

    Melissa: I'm not sure either how to post individual pictures. I do know that you can post virtual photo albums on certain sites at no cost; just ask any young person and they'll point you in the right direction.
  • Well, it will be 70 degrees here today, but there is a cool breeze blowing. Had my WI and I was down 1 pound. I was thrilled as I have been eating some sweets lately. DH was up 2 pounds; needless to say, he was unhappy, but he'll burn it off with his marathon training. No need to fret. This weekend I'm playing piano at a ladies' tea. I'll be wearing my pretty flowered dress and a big pink hat.

    Melissa, good for you with your weight loss. That happened to me when I went on a tour to Italy--ooh I miss the food. We walked so much that I know we burned up the calories. I've always wanted to try a weekend to London. That would be fun.

    Susan, you think the summers in Canada are hot? Hmmm. Cuba is very close to us and warmer.

    lala, you really are the traveler. I've never had baba ganoush. Is it good. Your pasta dish sounded delicious. I made chicken stir fry on Tuesday. It turned out well.
  • Hi everyone,

    Its beautiful here today. Sunny and only going to hit 55. I can't complain. I even hung some laundry out to dry on the line. Mmmm.

    Susan -- I would be heading for Cuba too if it was snowing. I guess I should check the Philadelphia and DC weather myself. You'll survive the charter, just plan for some snacks, take some aspirin, drink water and get some exercise beforehand. Ahhh, the beach.

    Domina -- Baba ganoush is roasted eggplant and spices. Its soo good. low in points too. Tonight, I have not a clue as to dinner. I bought a whole wheat pizza dough from TJ's so maybe DP will make us all a pizza.

    Melissa- I hope you have recovered from your trip. Looks like snow today in London.

    Oy, did you all hear about the terrible explosions in Madrid? I can't believe that a year ago I was in that station during rush hour. My heart is heavy today. I hate political violence.

    On a lighter note, I am attending a baby shower this noon time for one of the women I work out with at the gym. Three of us "older" ladies are hosting her, we're the locker room bunch. I think it should be fun. I bought the baby "where the wild things are", "blueberries for sal" and "paddington the bear", I loved those books when I was smaller. I still love them.

    Weekend plans -- take DP to airport, get haircut, work on work database, garden in ppatch, keep dog amused, pick up friends from airport, get ready for meetings, drop off stuff at shelter, meet with accountant's assistant to give her our tax stuff. Fun, fun, fun.

    At least I'll get some good reading time in at night.

  • lala, baba ganoush sounds great. I really like eggplant. I often make the WW eggplant parmesan recipe. Where is DP headed? Have fun at the shower; they're usually fun.

    DH and I are definitely headed to South Dakota in June. I have the place to stay, but no airline tix as yet. Airfare is expensive. We recently found out that we'll be going on a tour of Europe in June 2005 (Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia). I'm getting excited already. I also hope to get some gardening in this weekend; I want more flowers.

    Hi, Melissa, Susan, and Ideal.