
  • i stumbled upon this forum by accident and i'm glad i did. i frequent a couple other forums but haven't really found a place i feel comfortable yet (with respect to weight loss support). i'm hoping this can be my new home.

    i have been doing the atkins diet for over a year now and have stalled considerably. my husbnad and i want to have another baby soon but i still need to lose about 50 pounds. i'm frustrated and feeling distraught. i need to lose the weight before i have another child because i had a lot of complications with our son due to my weight. *sigh*

    i could sure use a buddy and would love to team up with someone who needs just as much support as me. i've decided to let go of atkins for now but maintain my sugar-free/processed-free habits. i'm preparing to buy the book 'body for life' to see if that fits me better. we shall see...
  • heya...right back
    I tried atkins a couple yrs ago. very temp results followed by not feeling too good. Now I'm following sugar busters with pretty decent results. good for my diabetes. trying to cut down on processed and artificial stuff but can't do it all at once.

    I've got three grown kids. I started very early. Had my first 2wks before my 18th birthday. Had three in 5 yrs. Everytime I started to lose weight I'd get pregnant so beware!

    well, if I can ever lend an ear or be of help, just let me know. you can send a private msg if you'd like.

    good luck and take care
    DonnaD aka DoubleD aka Talulla
  • hi, donna! thanks for your words...

    i've decided to try ww this time around. i went to a meeting yesterday. i'm a little worried i may sabotage myself from being so extremely low carb for so long but a few people came up to me and told me they were ex-atkins and doing great on ww. i really miss having my fruits and things like oatmeal for breakfast.

    i think the thing i enjoyed most about the meeting was that it was a chance for me to meet real people just like me. and maybe a chance to make some new friends. i do hope so.

    i'm a gymaholic so there's no trouble there. i think my body is just not responding to atkins anymore. anyway, i don't wanto to babble to much here. can yopu give me any advice as to which forum is most appropriate for me? still trying to feel my way around here. thanks!
  • CoralShrimp - Hi, I have been doing WW since Jan 5th of this year and have lost 22 pounds so far...it is a very good program if you stick to it and dont cheat - of course you are going to cheat every once in a while but dont make it often....I think you will really like the program, good luck!!!
  • thanks, satine! i hope so! i'm looking forward to trying something different - something that allows me to feel "normal".