Wednesday chat

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  • Ellis -
    I'm thinking that we could be the SBD Bandits. We'll bring in pastries and cookies, and sweets, and bread, and then they'll get that sugar coma and fall asleep. We can quitely walk out with the goods.

    However we couldn't stick around for long because it would look really bad Ellis and I lying on the floor, unable to turn down the yummie goodies with a bag of $$ next to us.

    Atkin's wife seems really mad, maybe we can get her in on it.
  • That's subtle, Pebbles.
  • Pebbles- I have been waiting!! It's like catching snow flakes... if I stand out here with an open palm... maybe I'll catch something... In the meantime, I entered a coffee for a year contest. *Almost* as good as money...

    Ellis (and everyone else who's not lazy like me) Good job on working out!! I have a whole gym right in my basement (treadmill, bike, weight machine, bench, yoga balls) and can't seem to get motivated to get down there!!

    I was doing so well working out for a couple of weeks. Now I sometimes think about the gym equipment downstairs. If I feel like it...
  • Hey Chicks! Have not posted much this week. Kinda been bummed I've stayed the same for two weeks in a row. Which I know is better than gaining but still. But I am stayin in it! I did eat Mexican Monday but did not over indulge. One shell and about 5 chips is not to bad. It did not bring on any cravings or anything so I think I'm ok this time. I've also been busy this week cause I have a show on Sunday. I like to do a lot of extra stuff for my Hostesses so between that and finishing up my taxes I've been swamped. I've just got to get remotivated like I was. But since I have totally cut out caffiene I am just draggin like a broke muffler! I've got to find a way to get more energy going. Ok enough whinin and excuses I'm movin on and stayin OP!
  • Caity, we had a bunch of workout machines, too. But we NEVER used them. It's not cheap having a Y membership, but at least paying forces us to go. Although I WOULD like to have a treadmill. And a ball.
    Hey, I used to do all those contests. I won 5 bucks once. 5 bucks American!

    Bamie, good luck this week!
  • Ellis, I'm so proud of you for exercising at the Y today I haven't gotten into the exercise thing yet but today i did rearrange the workout area downstairs. I want to do alittle tomorrow~you set a good example for me. I'm finally getting in the swing of SB again. The kitchen is stocked with SB friendly foods and snacks and I have been good for 3 days so far. It really does help to plan ahead .

    I haven't been able to come up with 1 really good thing to give up for Lent, so I'm thinking of giving up ALL non-allowed SB foods for the entire 40 days without one cheat.
  • I'm thinking of giving up all South Beach ALLOWED foods for lent.
    Sil, good for you for ummm... getting ready to exercise.
  • hi all,

    not lost any either at my 5 th week, lost 7 lb my first month, so i am pleased, but i do feel different and clothes do fit better. So, i am becoming less concerned about numbers on scale

    worked out today at curves and wa able to job in place, it felt good
    this forum is really helping, i have been lurking, but want to thank all of you!
  • Hi everyone: I've been lurking too. Just seems not enough hours in the day sometimes. I just keep on the phase two and am not going anywhere. But Curves helps me keep my clothes fitting the way they should. I have even missed two of my regular Curves days this week. This is not good. The only positive thing I can come up with, is that I have all our tax figures ready for our accountant. So that is an accomplishment of sorts.

    Lets just keep OP. I'm not joing the bandits, but I won't report you either. I'm no 'stoolie' Lizzie
  • Hi gang I need a kick in the rear to get going again. I have been having a love affair with chocolate all week. I seem to start off the day good but the chocolate whispers sweet nothings in my ear and I melt it in my mouth. I must find the willpower to through it all out. Please send me willpower vibes. HELP.
  • Our neighbors won the Illinois Lottery a few years back, so I think that just because of proximinity to the luck we're destined to never win. They got like 40k, and redid their driveway. I guess when rich people win the lotto that's what they do - just add it to their bank account.

    However, if I do win the HGTV dream home, you all are invited. We could have a wonderful time! I won't know for another month....

    Little Chick -
    The DH got out of Shauffenberger chocolate and started chipping away at it last night. I had two teeny shavings. Good thing I like milk chocolate instead of bittersweet.

    Have that hubbie of yours eat all the chocolate and then it will be gone.