One Question

  • Hey again everyone. I just have one question, I weigh around 165 and I was just wondering if anyone around that weight had lost weight during phase 1 and how much weight? I just wanted to see how much weight i might lose during phase 1.
  • Hey Manola Mudslide I'm around there and I lost 6.5 lbs mt first 2 weeks. One of which I was out of town for. But I think everyone is different. Some lose more and some lose less. I'm like you though i like to know what others have lost to just kind of have an idea. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • 8 pounds on Phase I but some of them have snuck back.
  • Phase 1 Losses
    Good Morning Manola & Welcome to the beach!
    My starting weight was 163...During Phase 1 I lost 10 lbs...since starting Phase 2, I have lost another 3.
    Good Luck!
  • Welcome to the Beach Manola,

    Just like January, I started at 163 and am down now to 150 after one week on Phase 2. I lost about ten or so during Phase 1, and three the first week of Phase 2. This is the start of week 4, and I have to say that I find this way of eating to be quite easy. But it is true that everyone is different and it depends on what your food weaknesses are. I am not a snack-er, nor am I a big sweets eater, but I LOVE starch, so that's been really challenging, but I find if I just don't touch it, I am fine. I am just beginning to add back low carb bread, whole wheat pasta, etc, and I think that's going to really be challenging, to stop eating at small amounts, that sort of thing. But I think I can do it!

    Good luck!!! I know you can do it!! This is a great place for motivation!

  • Manola, I was around 168 when I started and lost 4 lbs the first week. I think I would have lost more if I exercised more but hey

    I am starting Phase 1 again on wednesday - I am currently 164lbs and have recently begun exercising for 1 hour 3X per week.