Home of the Loozing Floozie's.....(#70)

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  • Here is your canadian chickie....I am home. Bittersweet to be here. I would have loved to stay a few more weeks but with mom sick just couldn't do it. Larry and I both cried when we hugged our friends good bye. My doctor said that I could go and see mom today even with my low immune system. I will be going tonight. I have loads of sandy laundry to do, and catching up to do.

    Vicki I know how you feel and will pray for your mom.

    I love all of you and will catch up later wtih you. Now time to get all the sand out of my crack......
  • Vicki-Please know that I am praying for your mother.

    Dee-Glad to see you've made it back to reality!!

    Gayle-It's gorgeous! Why don't you just post a link, you know everyone of us is going to want the address!!
  • Hello

    I'm so down on myself tonight. I was going to be very good today and go back on WW 100% and blew it! I forgot I ordered Girl Scout cookies and they arrived today. I ate 1/2 box!!!!! I hate those stupid things!!!!!!!!

    The dresser is beautiful!!!!! I loved looking at your picture trail! You have added so much since I last looked. Your work is awesome!! I know you're so proud. BTW: I made a mistake.AI doesn't come on tonight. I thought it did. Guess it's tomorrow night.

    I'm so happy you're home!!!!! Unpack, relax, get that sand outta your butt and post again soon!!!! I have truly missed you girl!!

    How's the kids today? Reckon we're going to get snow tonight? I hope so!!!! Guess I'll wear my pj's backwards tonight for luck!

    Did you get back OP today? Did you order cookies???!!! Next year I will order the ones I don't like instead of the ones I do!!!!!

    Do you still like your job? Do you miss the boot place at all? What is hubby doing now?

    I'm glad that you & hubby did something for yourself with some of the money since your Christmas was slim. Tell me about EDiets. What can you have? Good luck with it!

    I said a prayer for your Mom. How is she today? How far does she live from you? If I can do anything, let me know!

    OR should I say EBay Mama???? How's School going? Have you gone to your new hours yet? Mine are 7:45-3:15. I love my hours. Do ya'll have a nurse at your School? We don't and I bet I took 25 temps. today!

    Jennelle, Mary, Cheryl,Carol......Please post soon! Just a quickie will do! Just let us know that you're ok!

    When is a good night to chat???? We had so much fun last time, I would really like to do it again!

    BTW: Did anyone like the Pooh holding the welcome heart I posted on this new thread????

  • OH..those evil girl Scout cookies!!!!!

    Yes...I ordered 4 BOXES!!! DUMB!! Trying to help the little girl scouts and all....Yeah right!!! They were delivered to me bright and early this morning!! I searched all day to find a thin person to give them too...LOL. I left them at work, will continue looking tomorrow.

    Gayle...I wish so much that we lived close to together, or atleast in the same state. I would love to re-do old furniture. I love that dresser!

    Sherry....Give the rest of those cookies away!!! There is another chance of the white stuff tonight.

    Dee..Glad you are home. Sand in your crack in the middle of winter.....We only have ice cubes forming...LOL.

    To all of you with sickness in your families...A speedy recovery! We have been going through it with Grannymom too!! It is coming to the point where she won't be able to live by herself anymore. Hard decisions in life!

    Love to all my floozies friends...deb
  • Hello All!
    Crossing fingers for a snow day! Me and kids are putting our pjs on backward. Imagine explaining that to a 3 yr old. All I have to do is mention snow and he will do anything.

    Kids are both sick. Coughing, runny nose, fever, just all around feeling yucky. Lets just hope they get better before the biggest baby of all gets sick. (hubby) Lord knows he will have it worse than anyone in his eyes LOL

    Hope everyone has a great Tues.
  • Tina, I hope the kids feel better soon and hubby stays well! You will need your rest after taking care of the sickies. I never heard of the PJ's on backwards deal until Sher mentioned it...what would a person do if they sleep in the buff? ha-ha! If it snow's I hope the boys are better, so they can enjoy some of it.
  • Tina I will send you some of the snow we have here. Larry has to go out and shovel the roof because there is about 2 feet of snow on it.

    Gayle that dresser is awesome. How did you stroke classes go?

    Sherry get rid of those cookies......let's do this together now that I am home and not drinking all the beer in Mexico. I am going back to check your Pooh Bear.

    Shelley how are you doing? Did you sell your fathers coins?

    Debbie good will power! Dump the cookies on a skinney girl. Good one!

    Ramona how are you liking your new job?

    Larry and I went to see mom last night. She wasn't in very good spirts but she looked better than I expected. She wanted us to try to help her walk. She hasn't walked yet. We held on to her and she walked about 8 feet. It took her awhile to figure out how to get her legs moving and she made slow progress but she did it. The care at the hospital is awful. She called me at 4:30 and asked me to bring water. She had asked for some at 2:00 and they hadn't brought it yet. Finally, at 6:30 when they brought her lost dinner she asked for water again and got a glass. Her bed was filthy the floors were filthy too. Not very good. One night she called for assistance to go to the bathroom and after waiting 45 minutes she said she just went in bed because she couldn't wait any longer. She is not able to swallow hard or dry food, because her throat was damaged from the tubes. They have just sent her generic meals which most of them she can't eat. She is suppose to have someone fill out a menu for her but they haven't done it yet. I am going down around 4:00 today so that when her dinner comes I will cut it up for her. Larry will come and visit for abit after work and we will help her walk a few steps.

    I forgot how to wash dishes? Any volunteers?
  • Dee! You silly goose!! Dishes???? My best china is styrofoam plates!!! Ha! Ha! HAPPY YOUR HOME!!! I am so, so sorry to hear about the treatment your mother is receiving. It's disgusting to say the least. I know she has to stay in the facility for now, but can the family go in and assist with things such as bathing etc? how about taking her the meals she can have? I've ran into this some with a few of the nursing homes. THERE IS NO EXCUSE AT ALL for this type of treatment. It's one thing to have an accident in bed and to have to wait a few minutes for the nurse. But, it's another thing to have an accident in bed caused by NEGLECT then to have to lie in it. I will be thinking of our mom and hoping things get better.

    Deb & Sherry: You can send me those cookies! I am having a hard time staying OP too!

    Shelley: I didn't post the addy because it has my electronic business card on the site w/ my address. I know there are alot of people other then us that look at this thread and could click on the link. Most people in this world are honest, nice people. But leave it to me to get the one guy out there with a screw loose!
  • Hi everyone!
    Dee send me some snow!!! I am beginning to give up on a big snow this year. We have another shot later in the week so crossing fingers again.
    That is horrible about your mom being treated that way. No one should be treated that way. I wish there was something I could do. My great aunt went through the same thing. My mom would go to visit and she would be laying in her bed very weak. They had forgotten to give her her meds and she was dehydrated. I will keep your mom in my prayers.

    Gayle we must shop at the same place my fine china is a paper plate too. LOL If it doesnt fit in the dish washer then I don't want it HEHE

    MMM cookies. That sounds good. Good thing I don't know any girl scouts.

    Kids are about the same. Coughing coughing. Still able to aggravate each other so it is not too bad. LOL

    Doni How does the Ediets work? It is nice when you finally get to treat yourself to something special.

    Anyone have big plans for Valentines Day?

    Did anyone catch My big fat obnox. fiance? OMG that poor girl. I don't think she will ever get all her family to stay and go along with the wedding.

    I think it is AI night. Woo Hoo.

    Have we decided on another chat time? Just let me know I can't wait.
    Hope everyone has a great evening.
  • Dee,
    I was so upset when I read your post about your Mom! Someone is paying THEIR salary! You stand-up and demand them to do better for her!!!!!! **** no wonder she wasn't in good spirits! It upsets me so much to see patients being mistreated. I'll say a prayer for her again tonight. Please keep us posted about her. BTW: PLEASE send some snow to Nashville!!!!!!!! I want some sooooooo bad!!!!

    I watched the the big fat abnoxious show last night. Bless her heart!! I laughed so hard last night! And YES...I'll be watching AI tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Saturday (Valentine's Day) is our Anniversary. We will be married 17 years! I'm not sure what we're doing yet.

    Gotta wash dishes....Later!
  • Dee-Stand your ground with those people. Don't let them get away with treating patients that way. I am so glad you are back. Maybe now I'll have some company over at the exercise thread (hint, hint!!)

    I ordered a box of Girl Scout cookies, I guess they'll be in soon. I never eat them. I am probably the only person ever who is not all that crazy about them!

    Tina-Isn't it amazing how no matter how sick the kids are they can still squabble with each other? I know mine can!

    Gayle-Would you PM me the link?
  • Tina, I looked in my favorites, but now I can't find it. It was a web site address I came upon when we were thinking of a GP. As far as temperment, they say males and females are the same. if they do nibble or act like they want to bite, you can take a spray bottle and shoot them with water, they will learn to not bite. Ralph never bites. Although thats not to say if you stuck your finger right in her face, then she would assume it was a treat and nibble away! Steve will even hold her and I will trim her nails, she just kinda hangs out. We purchased a big rubbermaid container from Walmart for her house.

    I LOVE the new show: MBFOF!!! I feel so sorry for Randy, the girl! Steve can really be a pleasant dude when he wants. I laughed when he gave the mother the vase that he stole from the other room and Randy was ok with it. I wonder how much longer before her mom and dad blow!

    I watched American Idol tonight. Those of you that watched it, who do you think will go? I would say the girl that sang the Patsy Cline song and the good looking guy that sang the Memphis song. A hard night to choose, they were all really good! The last girl had super stage presence, but I thought her voice sounded kinda weird, like a duck. Apparently I know nothing about singing, because they all loved it!
  • Shelley: I just PMed you again...
  • Hey ladies!

    I've been on the road for work a lot lately, I love it! Makes the days go by so much faster!!

    I am newly "on the wagon" AGAIN....My legs and arms are so sore today. It's sad how out of shape I had let myself get. I've been doing Leslie Sansone's 2-mile walk and I've had to stop before the tape was finished. Before I went on my last (last) downward spiral, I was walking 3-4 miles a day, no problem. Ugh. In addition to the walking tape, I've been doing some VERY LIGHT weight work. That would account for the sore muscles

    My life has been boring lately. Nothing at all up.

    I'll be alone for Valentine's Day this year. First time that's happened in a long time! I'll survive, though! I hope all of you ladies are pampered and treated like the princesses you are!

    Love, Cheryl
  • I was getting ready to post a long one to everyone, but we just had an escape from the jail.
    Later all......