Please Post Today Monday

  • I want today's thread to be busy. Please come and post today!!
  • Well, it's Monday again. And in Nebraska, it's snowing. Again. We got 13" last weekend and got probably 8 yesterday and it hasn't stopped. Weather reports say we're supposed to get more on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Yippee.

    How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty nice. Foodwise, Friday was not very WW-friendly. I pigged out at the Chinese Buffet for lunch. I wasn't hungry again until about 10, when a bunch of us from work were at the bar, where we all got onion rings to share. The 5 onion rings I had probably weren't as bad as the Woodchuck Cider I had or the Black and Tan I drank. But, I did bowl on Friday night, so I got an activity point or two. Saturday morning, I had a haircut so my sister went with me and then we hit the Super Walmart. (Do we know how to have a good time or what?) Aaron and I stayed in on Saturday night and just watched TV. It was really nice. Yesterday, I got up and did a WATP tape. Then, my friend Melanie and I braved the falling snow and met at Nothing But Noodles where I had fresh mozzarella, one lettuce wrap, and the marinara pasta bowl. Then, we went to a pre-Super Bowl party until about 5, when we left because we weren't sure my little Sunfire was going to get me home in all the snow that was falling. (But it did).

    What did you do this weekend? What did you eat (I love to talk about food, can you tell?) How's the weather where you live?

    Please come out, post, and make today's thread really busy!!
  • Oh, I forgot to mention that tonight, I'll be starting my new second job as a Subway Sandwich Artist. I'm excited.
  • Wow Jess, good luck being an artist! Maybe you'll get some free healthy food there! I am starting South Beach Diet today, so wish me luck! I know I am going to have a hard time on the "induction" phase, but something drastic really does need to be done. I am so happy the Pats won last night (where is Lisa???). I actually left a party I was at because these girls where there talking and it was really annoying me. I can be very antisocial sometimes! Hehe.

    Ok, very annoyed at the slackers who are working for me! Speaking of, must get back to work!
  • Monday and I'm skipping class
    Morning Jess Woman
    mmmmm Subway color me drooling I could never work there I'd nibble all the nummy fresh bread.
    My weekend was good
    Friday I spent the day with mom we did a little shopping I bought her some cute costume jewelry and I bought myself this necklace that has interwoven lines of baby buttons you know those greyish Mother of pearl kind. and a little Kate spade bag $11 I love consignment shops! foodwise that day consisted of Dunkins sandwiches and donuts and a hungryman dinner and a small bag of fritos . . .which tho they are fatty NO MSG aka No Sick Kierie
    I stayed with DF this weekend so when he came home from drill We watched American Wedding OMG tooo funny
    Saturday DF and I ran errands and grabbed Highly unhealthy food Can we say McGriddle? I got my eyebrows done (YAY I was a full on Wookie) and they did that cool thread thing when she was cleaning up my brows but it was $25! and 2 months ago it was $15 Needless to say I was a grumpy girl
    DF got his hair cut then we went to meet with the priest about wedding stuff
    that went well. Then we went to LNT and did some Registering Fiestaware is our every day Dishes and in case you want to know I LOVE OXO Kitchen Gadgets! Sat Night we rang ppl who never go out (almost as a joke like Ok lets call them) and they were going out! so we went to fridays where I got sick on he jack daniels Chicken and shrimp MSG anyone
    Sunday we did house stuff I did some math then we hit the grocery then went to a superbowl party My tummys trying to recover!
    Today I'm running around and I have an interview tommorrow and potentially 1 on Saturday I also have to throw together a website today EEEK and find a shell for my new suit
    Color me sex kitten Thursday one of my gfs and I went To LB and I stocked up on Sexy bras and panties along with a suit that was $59 I love bargains!
    alright ladies back to the grind come out and play!
  • Hey all. I had a blah weekend. Friday night we went to Mc D's because we both had rough days at work, and also because Emma begged and begged (she likes the playland). Saturday I had a class to go to. Got home and hubby had dinner in the crockpot. So we ran to Target to get Kate some Formula. Sunday we sat around, and did some grocery shopping. I made a rotisserie chicken (we have a rotisserie) and it tasted fabulous. Then pigged out while watching the game (for the commercials). I ended up staying up late because Kate woke up at 10 ish something and threw up. GOt her cleaned up and layed her down, she threw up again. After that I got her to sleep with us and she slept the rest of the night. She was fine this morning.

    So that was my weekend. I have a meeting tonight that may go until 9-9:30. And I am really exhausted right now, so it could be a long day and night.

    OHHH... and a guy from my HS cornered me and asked me if I could help with the concession stand they are staffing on Thursday for the basketball games. He was always nice in HS so I didn't know how to say no. BUT, the people in charge were people that were really mean to me in HS and I am not sure how I can handle this. OK, I have been out of HS for 14 years now, but it still bugs me. And I am still heavy and feel embarrassed. I am bringing hubby and the kids tho, so at least my gorgeous children will show I have made something of myself.
  • Hey Jen-L I wasn't too fond of HS and honestly If someone asked me to help with a function I'd probably laugh A you have alot to show for yourself! including those gorgeous girls. Its so wierd how we can be strong confident women but seeing someone from a more vulnerable time makes us vulnerable again. If you do decide to work the concession stand greet those meanies with a grin and hold your head high
    I bet they are reliving their former glory because thats all they have and You have soo much more
  • Morning everyone - I wasn't here on Friday cause I stayed at home with a cold. I basically slept all day Friday and Saturday. But I did go to my WI on Saturday AM and was down 2.6#!! I've just hit that point where the clothes are starting to feel looser and I like looking at myself in the mirror again. I still weigh more than 200# but I carry it well and I notice a huge difference between 220 and 210. After all, it's all about me...
    So I got my home computer all suited up (my "friend" got a new one and he used his old one and mine to put together a better one for me) so although I still have no internet at home (no phone line either) I can play some really cool games. I went to bed around 10pm on Saturday and then on Sunday a bunch of friend and I went to the Keg for dinner. See ya flexpoints! But well worth it. I'll stay on plan for the rest of the week (she says crossing her fingers and remembering Valentine's day=chocolate) and hopefully I'll have another successful WI next weekend. My new goal is under 200 by St. Patty's day (might be a bit unrealistic but I'll try anyway) Today is catching up at work and volleyball tonight (yay! I'm starting to actually see muscles in my arms!) and back to life tomorrow. I did watch Survivor last night and I REALLY enjoyed it. It's a totally different game, should be a good one.
    Jayne - It was nice to see you on the thread - glad to know things are going well. Do you already know it's a girl?
    Jess - It's sunny here on top of my hill but I've heard that it's snowing at the bottom of it (strange, it's usually the other way around) I don't envy you in the cold. I do envy the warmth of the subway ovens - yummy.
    Lexxy - I hate when people do that! If you want to visit, do it somewhere else, there's game watching going on here!! (although my game's hockey - go Canucks!)
    Kiere - I love the wookie comment. I'm obsessive about my eyebrows but I do them myself cause I can't bring myself to pay to have someone torture me (bikini wax? I think not)
    Jen - I hope your little Kate is feeling OK today and you get to sleep tonight.

    OK - boss needs a confab so I better get going. I'll check back in later...
  • STRESSSS... OK our seedy landlord hasn't been paying the electric bill and we just got a disconnection notice effective tomorrow. They gave it to us because no one can get ahold of him, including us. This guy is wealthy, but a slacker that does absolutely nothing. He used to be in a rock band in the 80's (big hair band), then owned an ISP and sold that for a huge wad of money. But all his tenants are angry at him because he doesn't do a da** thing. So now I am all stressed and leaving him messages to get his arse over here pronto.

    Sorry, had to get that out.

    As for the nasty HS girls. The one I detest I see all the time and she is very chuncky now. Larger than me. But she is also PG at the moment so I know she will use that as an excuse. But when I first saw her about 3 years ago she was just as chuncky. And she used to make me cry in school because she called me terrible names. I am usually sweet as pie to her tho because I know she knows she is not in the best of shape. But she is still mean. So sad people are like that.
  • Boring
    I am going to be SO bored this afternoon here at work. I mean, I could actually do some work, but what fun would that be?? Actually, it wouldn't be too bad, the lesson plan that I'm working on is particularly challenging. Everyone is leaving due to the weather, but I'd rather just stay put because if we decide to leave, we have to take vacation time, unpaid time, or make the missed time up. It's not worth it to me...

    Lexxy--I hope that all goes well with the SBD. My sister did Atkins for awhile and said that induction is the hardest part. Just stick it out and remember that it will get easier soon. And I'm pretty excited about working at Subway--I get a discount, which is a really good thing because I eat there all the time.

    Kierie--Hey, doll, it's good to see you posting regularly again!! It sounds like you had a nice weekend, I know I would have especially enjoyed the trip to LB and purchasing lots of bras and panties.

    Jen--If I were you, I just wouldn't do it, but that's because I'm a great big wimp. If you feel strong, do it and show off your beautiful babies (not that an excuse is needed to show those sweetiepies off). Also, I have to step upon a soapbox here (so get ready). Jen, don't feel like your kiddos are the only way that you can show that you've made something of yourself. Take a few seconds and compare yourself to the person you were in HS. You really have accomplished a lot, haven't you? You really have made a great life for yourself, haven't you? You really have nothing to feel embarassed about and should feel proud of so much more than just your girls. (And now I'm sheepishly stepping off my soapbox). I hope you get things sorted out with your landlord. He sounds like a major dumbass.

    KT--I'm so happy to hear about your WI success and I'm glad that you like yourself more!! Isn't it just the greatest feeling in the world? There's nothing quite like it. Keep up the good work, you're only going to feel better and better about yourself.

    I have a little good news to share--I've scheduled my appointment for my breast reduction consultation. I go in on the 13th at 1:30. My mom is going with me. The appointment sounds a little scary--they'll be taking pictures and drawing on them, etc. That makes me a little nervous, but it'll be totally worth it to get rid of these heavy things.

    That's about all the news I have right now. I'm going to go get some work done now. See ya!
  • Jess, thanks for the reminder that I have accomplished things. What I worry about is that I always said I would never stay in this area, and here I am, back in this crummy city. However I did leave for awhile and lived in Milwaukee. Oh well. I am so different from HS, but some people can't see past that. Their problem I guess. I am going to work the event mostly because I was asked by someone that is nice to me and he is also on the committee... and second, because they know I was asked, and if I don't go, they will do the 'ole "it figures" attitude about me. I kind of want to show them that they can't beat me. For goodness sake, I am 32 now... so pooey on them. Oh and for the record, I went to a teeny weeny private HS... 14 in my graduating class. So yes, it was not a great place to be if you weren't in the "IN" group.

    And Jess, everyone I have spoken to or heard about that have had a reduction, just rave about it. Most of the people I know about have done it because of back pain. Yes there are scars, but the relief and freedom it gives outweighs that. Let us know how your appt. goes. Oh, how long do you have to be out of work for something like that?

    OK, back to work. Mr Dinkus Landlord has yet to get his butt over here. I may be without power tomorrow if he does, but the other suites will be without heat because part of the problem is that the building is wired incorrectly.
  • Jess - when I look in the mirror I want a breast lift but I'd be so scared. You're brave. Let us know how it goes.
    Jen - It's brave of you to go back. Our HS was a bit bigger but at our 10 year reunion everyone was really good about talking to each other and letting bygones be bygones. It's unfortunate that some of your HS chums can't get to that point. Your landlord sounds obnoixious. What 80s band? Now I'm dying to know...
  • OK, it was AirKraft. A one hit wonder from our area. Don't ask me the song tho, I can't remember the title. He finally came over and swears everything is set. Ya Right. Oh and we have new neighbors in the suite next door and they are big fur coat ladies with attitude. We just laugh at this place.

    And my HS didn't have a 5 or 10 year reunion. No one in my class wanted to plan it, so it didn't happen. I am volunteering for the alumni group so I hope and pray that there are other people there that I can tolerate. Otherwise it will be a short night. I am not afraid to walk out of things if they are bad. Now holding my tongue is another issue. And You would think most people would grow up after this many years, but this person has not. She is horrible...

    OK, time to leave in 30 minutes. Then I have a late meeting. Personal stuff tho, so it isn't work related. It is my Master Gardeners group. That is another whole story. I love how much I have learned from this group, but the meetings are terrible. All they do is complain and bicker. I am young for this group, so maybe I just don't fit in. Oh well.