Pcos and Menopause

  • Hello, I'm new here, have PCOS, and am starting to experience the first hot flashes of menopause-- I'm 47, BTW. But another thing has happened, and neither my regular doctor nor my former ob/gyn can explain it. In the past 5-7 years, my periods have gradually become more and more regular, until now, when I have a "normal" period once a month. And the "mittelschmerz," the pain in the ovary as it attempts to ovulate, has pretty much disappeared. I'm not complaining, mind you, but I don't understand. It can't be anything that I've done, as I just started eating better quite recently. Is this something to do with the menopause?
  • Wow, lucky you! I'm sorry that I don't have a clue as to why this is happening. Please let us know if your doctor comes up with anything.
  • I'm peri-menopausal with PCOS, and I use a natural progesterone cream (Balance) once a day. I am no longer having hot flashes.
  • Wow that is odd...usually it's the other way around!! You get the hot flashes with the periods slowly leaving your life...and more hot flashes & other menopause symptoms. I'll have to ask my Endo. about this one and see what she has to say...She's a PCOS genius!!
  • PCOS & perimenopause
    I am now 49 yrs old and finally got diagnosed last yr with PCOS. I went to a reproductive endo who prescribed metformin and spect----- for the insulin and hair growth. About 1 year before that my periods started coming about every 3 weeks, compared to my growing up with only a few a year. I have only 1 child which I finally got with the help of Clomid. I had gone for a yearly exam and they found my iron level extremely low, partly due to constant heavy periods and a fibroid in my uterous. My GYN put an IUD (Marena) in, which is good for 5 yrs and it has helped immensely with the heavy periods, although they are still coming every 3 weeks. But flow is almost nothing. I have been unable to lose the weight. I did start hot flashing several yrs ago. It seems that every woman is different in her reaction to PCOS. My dr. was surprised that I have not had a heart attack yet. I am 5'2' and weight 220 lbs. Exercise and dieting have not helped. Dont know what to do at this point.
  • Welcome to 3FC! I'm sorry you're having problems with losing weight. What is your exercise and diet routine?
  • Quote: I'm peri-menopausal with PCOS, and I use a natural progesterone cream (Balance) once a day. I am no longer having hot flashes.
    Hey, may I ask how that stops your hot flashes? My mother is currently going through it, and she has the worst hot flashes of her life just about everyday. The doctors have pretty much been useless, and we have found that some natural supplements for menopause have helped, but only a bit. Is this product also found in most stores too?
  • Are you by any chance taking Metformin? When I started Metformin for pre-diabetes treatment, I started getting my period every month. I think this can also happen if you start eating a very low carb diet and get your hormones in order that way.