oh, nuts!

  • I have bought a jar of dry roasted (no salt) peanuts from the Dollar General Store -- what a big spender, huh? Anyway, for a one ounce serving, the label says there are 3 carbs -- 2 grams of fibers, thus the net carb is 1 gram. For a food so low in carbs, yet good fats, how come we are limited to one serving a day? (I'm on phase 2)
  • You are still counting carbs? Remember that calories do count - hence the limit on the amount of peanuts you can have. One ounce is 165 calories and there are a lot of them from fat, some of it saturated. Check it out in www.fitday.com if you must have stats. Some people run their food through fitday when they hit Phase II just to see where they are on calories.
  • But according to SBD, we're not supposed to worry about calories. Actually, we're not supposed to count carbs either, but I did just to make sure I chose those with the least carbs.
  • I'm not suggesting you count anything or worry about it too much. I was just explaining why peanuts are limited. If you want to count everything you eat, go ahead. To me the beauty of this plan is not having to journal and count and get into my old obsessions.
    Whatever works for you is what you should do.
  • We dont do the net carb thing on SBD either.
  • aaaaaah, stop your countin', you obsessive chickies, you.
  • One thing to watch on the peanuts is to make sure that there is no MSG. I couldn't find any dry roasted peanuts that weren't additive free of one thing or another that wasn't allowed on SBD.

    Cassidy, the peanuts might be limited as a fat because we are allowed fats from other sources. We also get it from olive oil, lowfat cheese, avocados, eggs, etc, and they all add up.