Curves #4

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  • Hi Ladies,
    I just came back from Curves a little bit ago. I worked from 7:30 this morning until 6:30 tonight. I always go on Monday's and Wednesday's when I have to work late to help me unwind from my day and not come home grumpy. I really had to push myself the extra mile tonight, since I have a sinsus infection. I felt really tired and run down but I went anyway since I have a dress in a smaller size that I want to wear in two weeks. So I need to stay focused.
    Kari is great to hear that your fiance' dad is doing great. At least they caught it in time. So glad to hear that you are also starting to wear different colors. Isn't it neat when you can actually wear colors that you never would have dreamed of wearing before?
    Jessica welcome aboard! I think you will really love joining Curves. It is a lot of fun. Plus it motivates you to lose weight.
    Congrats bandit on your 2 pound weight loss. Way to go!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!
  • Thanks Kar for the great welcome...I sure hope its everything you guys *gals actually* crack it up to far as I think though any type of exercise is good exercise and I gots to start doing it if i want to be down to my 200 pound goal by September 8th...hopefully it will work in place of my walking when summer such a fair skinned person the sun would eat me alive if I walked so hopefully this will work for me...its not too expensive and i hear from locals that they really like the facility...anyone have any types on how to exercise outside of curves when they dont have any fancy machines???

  • jsscmngn - I no longer have a membership for Curves, so really, I've just been trying to walk everyday. I too have very very fair skin, and I worry about burning in the summer heat. So I am going to be buying the "Walk Away The Pounds" videos.

    They have a 1, 2, 3, & 4 mile tape. They come in VHS or DVD. I have read MANY reviews on these videos, and they are all good. Plus I think it is PERFECT for those who can't, or don't want to leave their house.

    I have been trying to find these videos but have been having a hard time. You can find them at some stores, but when I look, I can only seem to find the 3 & 4 mile tape.

    I looked on the internet, and I found this this website . The entire 3 pack set is 39.95 plus shipping & handling. That seems to be a pretty "Basic" price compared to SOME sites, but I have found them cheaper elsewhere.

    On I found the vhs 3 pack of tapes for about 21.00 + shipping and handling BUT recently they have been sold out.

    I also found the 3 pack vhs & dvd tapes at for right around $26.00 and MOST of those qualify for the Amazon FREE shipping. Amazon is probably what I will go through.

    And if you are not into putting any credit card info on the internet, all you have to do is find a local bank that sells "Pre-paid Credit Cards". Then there is no way for anyone to get a hold of your personal information. (I worry about that a lot) so I find when buying from the internet, the pre-paid cards are more convenient.

    I hope that was somewhat helpful.

    ~ Kari ~
  • Morning Jessica,Kari and Ladies,
    I have been walking with Lesile for about a year now. I have both her "Walk Away the Pounds Express" package and "Walk Away The Pounds for the Abs" packages. I purchased mine at my local Wal-mart. You could also go online to her website and check out her packages there. Sometimes she has good deals on her stuff. Here is her website I really enjoy her tapes. It is one way for me to connect with my 8 year old stepdaughter who is slightly overweight. I try to do one of the videos with her whenever she comes over for a visit. I hope you can find them.
    I am hoping to ever go into Curves this afternoon or do one of my walking videos, after I bring my DH home from the doctor's. He has an appointment this morning at 11:30, so I guess I am going to have to go and get my rear in gear. The doctor's office is an hour from our house. So I will talk to you all later.
    Have a great day!
  • Good Tuesday Morning!

    Good Morning Curver's!!!
    I have WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!
    I am in 'ONE'-DERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I weighed myself this Morning and was
    Can you guys believe it!
    I am on

    I want to Thank you all for you gracious support! I am so sorry I have been MIA - but I get so tired after my workouts and the days events... there's nothing left in me. Plus I belong to another Forum and I am finding it a bit difficult scheduling my time on the computer and my days activities. So Monday's I try to catch up with the other threads and on Tuesday's I catch up with you guys. Tuesday's because I go to Curves on Tuesday mornings and I always like to come home after my Curves and touch base with you.

    I see that you have been in good hands I love seeing that it's been so busy here! Did you sign with Curves? Or are you still thinking of it? (Forgive me if you said & I just forgotten). Jessica, when I am not working out with Curves the other two days I use bands and get in about 30-40min. with them --- it's the Michael Thurmond's Body Sculpting program --- http://www.healthandfitnessproducts....&cat=10&page=1 I am doing the 6WBM Diet program & sculpting and seeing great results! Doing his program along with Curves is super! And soon I am going to begin walking for cardio work when I can. Darn weather...

    Thank-you so much ES,
    For all your support and kind words of encouragement... I was so down in the dumps! And now to see that I have finally broken the 200 mark makes me so very happy! Words cannot express how I am feeling!

    I am so glad you weren't upset with me
    What can I say about you girl... you are so precious, but your life is just so full of calamities!!!! I hope you get things all cleared up with Fashion Bug and the credit card soon! So glad to hear that Ricardo's father is doing better! My father went in yesterday morning to have a cath. (don't know how to sp it ) done and all is well... I am so relieved! He is too young! His heart is so badly damaged from previous heart attacks, so the procedure was frightening, but all went well

    Hi KAR73,
    I know allot of people doing that walking video and like it... it has grown to be very popular! I am looking forward to walking again outdoors! Spring is sure taking it's good old time here in OHIO! Today we have sunshine and blue skies, but it snowed the last three days here! My daffodils are trying to come up!!

    on your 2# weighloss BANDIT2!!!!!
    I know what you mean about the measurements being done... that's why I have my own chart and keep track on my own too. But you just keep on going and you will see some great results!

    Well, guys I must be off and running. I have another full day ahead.
    Thank you again for all your support!
    You all have been great to me!

  • Hi Ladies,
    Congrats Sunny on going below the 200 mark. I am very proud of you! Keep up the good work.
    I went to my TOPS meeting tonight and gained 3/4 of a pound this past week. I can't figure out what I did wrong last week. Oh well I was disappointed at first but now I am not. I came home and did my 3 mile Walk Away The Pounds Express tape. It did boost up my spirits a little. I go on Friday to have my weigh in and measurement at Curves. So I hope I have some good results there. Well I better go and get ready for bed. Talk to you all later. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • New to this thread!
    Just discovered this thread - was thinking it would be nice to have a thread for those women using Curves - and low and behold here there is one.

    I joined Curves back on January 31/04. In the month of February I lost 1/2 pound and 6 inches. But not doing so well this month - think it is because have gotten sick with terrible flu and cold and the med's are doing a number on me.

    So I am starting afresh with the program you might say. A friend of mine joined Curves at the same time I did - and as of Friday she has lost 16 pounds and 19 inches (in 6 weeks) just by doing Curves workout 3 x a week, as well as walking 1 mile on the days she goes to Curves and on alternate days she walks 2 miles. She does neither on Sundays. Also she followed their food plan - made some major changes in her life and is feeling really good about it. These are the big things she changed:
    (1) 8 glasses of water daily
    (2) no eating after 7 pm
    (3) cut out bread, potatoes and pasta for first 14 days, and is now slowly adding it back - but she is losing consistently around 2.5 pounds a week

    So with saying that I am starting 'over' as far as my 'plan' goes. I started yesterday, March 22 and will continue as long as it takes. Below is what I am doing (working on) in order that I am working on:
    (1) 8 glasses of water daily (64 oz.) - today got in 5 glasses
    (2) no eating after 7 pm - today is 2nd day that I have accomplished this
    (3) no potatoes for the next 4 weeks - so far so good
    (4) no bread for 2 weeks - unfortunately have had 2 yesterday and 2 today but am using the excuse that I am still getting over the flu

    In general the last 2 days have been good - am working on following the Carb Sensitive Plan outlined in the Curves book (by the way it is so close to Dr. Phil's outline they could be the same)

    As I am making the changes of water and no eating after 7 pm I am working at eliminating the sugar from my food. And all junk food. Need to get more protein and lower the carbs only getting in the good ones. I know this can be done - others have done it so I know I can do it.

    I also believe that anything is permissible but not everythng is beneficial so am also using that as a foundation for my plan.

    But I am making headway - today is Day 2 and I know that with each day I will get better.

    My official weigh in with Curves is the 30th of the month but will be out of town for that so will have to do this after the fact - so this will give me a little time to get some more weight off.

    Sunny: Nice to see you here!
  • *welcome*
    Welcome SPROUT,
    Yep I'm here... I found this thread when I began Curves and have been the one keeping it going since I had mentioned it a few times on the CER's but I guess you missed when I did. Good to see you here. I hope that soon you will feel well enough to go back to Curves again. I have gone faithfully 3x a week since Ash Wednesday never missing.

    This is a great group of people here... very supportive!

    Hi KAR73,
    Thank you for the 'pat-on-the-back' --- it sure feels good to know that I am out of the 200's I hope that your next weight-in is better I know how I felt when I had mine at Curves and it didn't budge... your reaction was like mine. Disappointed but I did not give in... great attitude (thumbs up!) You'll do better next time

    Well, as you guys can see - it's late. I went to bed, fell asleep and woke up to go potty and couldn't get back to sleep, so here I am
    I am going to give it another go...

    Later guys...

  • CONGRATULATIONS SUNNYD ON REACHING "ONE"DERLAND!! Also thank you for that gracious warm welcome. I just love this site and everyone within it...I am going to go to Curves on Friday after I get paid just so I'll have the money there if its something I want to do. I certainly believe it is...I'm just wanting to reach "one"derland one day too...LOL...

    Im hearing a lot of these Walk Away The Pounds tapes and I have seen them at the store...what do they entail? Are they sort of like the Richard Simmons tapes? I'd like to get some for when i dont do Curves...any suggestions on which ones I should buy??? thank you for those websites Kari I will definately be checking them out later..

    Have a good night

  • Jessica
    I was just getting ready to sign off and saw your post
    Thank you! You will do it too - you'll see. Just set your
    mind to it and it will happen! I wish you well this Friday!!!

    I wish I could help you with the tapes, but I don't know anything
    about them... sorry. Maybe tomorrow someone else
    (KARI OR KAR73) will be able to answer your questions.

    Well, you have a good night now...
    *Sweet Dreams*

  • Morning Ladies,
    It is a new day and I am over feeling bad about myself. I was able to lose 60 pounds from the time I started 1 1/2 years ago until today. I can do and will do it with the wonderful support I get from my Curves pals. Thanks again for being there for me.
    Sprout Welcome aboard! It is great to keep adding new people to the fourm.
    Well I need to be off to school. Need to teach my students wonderful new things today. Plus get them out of the summer vacation mode atleast for another month and a half. LOL You all have a wonderful day!
    Jessica I will fill you in on the walking tapes when I have more time this evening.
  • my tip for the day
    Sunny: Could we start another thread - just easier at least for me after it gets past page 7 to have a new one started.

    Anyway here is a tip from Dr. Phil's site

    Dr. Phil's Tip of the Day

    If you're overwhelmed with how much weight you have to lose, and it seems like you'll never be able to climb that mountain, here's some good news.

    Excessive eating happens in less than five minutes a day. You have certain periods during your day that maybe are associated with a location, maybe it's associated with a time of day, or maybe it's
    associated with an activity. Identify your high-risk times and those are the only moments that really threaten you.

    It's called "impulse eating" and if you'll identify those specific moments during your day and make sure that you're performing some incompatible behavior, you'll get past the impulse moments and won't struggle the rest of the day.

    Identify them and do something incompatible at that point in time.
  • Evening Ladies,
    I made it through my day without overeating and I got in 13 glasses of water. So I am happier this evening. Plus I went to Curves and put in a wonderful workout. So thanks for letting me boo hoo on your shoulders last night. I really appreciated all the support Sunny. You are an angel. Well I need to hurry off to bed. I am getting sleepy and I don't want to be a grump for my students in the morning. Talk to you all later. Take care.
  • what a day for me
    Boy, i heard Kar say she didn't want to be a grump for her kids tomorrow...that seems like me today...It was such a beautiful day out and i decided to walk to work...I was walking it up...just zooming down the streets...I was on fire... I got to work and saw my beau and I was just so darn hyper bouncing all around...then it came time for me to actually punch in and work and BAM!!! I swear to you all I turned into the wicked witch or even worse the I tell yah I dont know what happened to me and why I did a complete 360 but I was horrible all night...i guess I just didn't want to be there...OH WELL!! Tomorrow is another day...

    Tomorrow is Curves day...Im going to take the plunge and go see whats going on there...Hopefully tomorrow if not then it will DEFINATELY be Friday...The weather is getting better and Im starting to feel better...

    Thanks for listening to me as I blurt on and on about how much of a bad crappy day I had...I promise next post will be more upbeat...Im surely glad I found this forum...

  • Stop Here...

    Here is the LINK to the New Thread

    See you all there
