Wubulous Wednesday (nods to Dr. Seuss)

  • I just couldn't think of anything else that would even come close to equalling tap-dancing Tuesday! BBIAM to post...
  • Hi ladybugs. Kind of a slow-starting morning here. I don't know what the matter is, but I went to bed at 8:45 (I was pretty tired) and slept hard until about 12:00. I then woke up and stared at the clock until 7:00 this morning. I even came downstairs and tried to get my mind off sleep, did nothing. I've never had a night like that. The odd thing is, I'm not even tired now. I think if I went back to bed, I could again just stare at the clock till noon. So I guess it's not exactly a complaint -- it's just wierd. Anyone ever have this happen to them?

    How did all of the challengers do yesterday? Laura you'll be happy to know that I ate carrots and watermelon and tomato sauce to fill my fruits and veggies requirement and I had a decaf cappucino and some milk to fill my calcium. So you're on your way to that pedicure, my dear!

    Ok, who's next to post?
  • Good Morning!!
    Good morning, dahlings!!

    Jayneekins--I'm sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well, but I'm glad that you're not miserable or draggin' butt because of it. Hopefully you'll sleep well tonight, kiddo.

    I'm feeling pretty peppy (despite the fact that I overslept a little and don't have any makeup on yet). I had WI last night--some of you may remember last week's traumatic WI. I weighed on Thursday at a scale other than my regular location and was up 6.6 lbs. I was sure it couldn't be right, and last night's WI proved that it probably wasn't. This was a weekend filled with tons of eating and beer-drinking, so I was probably up. But, since I weighed on that other scale last week, I was down this week when I weighed on my regular scale. It made me feel better. Of course, I'm still up 5.8 lbs from where I started 10 weeks ago, but that'll be gone before long (plus 5 more lbs) so my partners can get their special somethings!!

    Sorry I didn't get in to post yesterday. I kind of lurked around all day long and finally started to post in the afternoon, but lost a huge long post full of responses. After that, I just finished what I was working on. Aaron called and apologized to me late Monday afternoon and things have been fine since.

    OK, kiddos, I'm going to go do a patting-myself-on-the-back post on the Challenge thread for yesterday's good day.
  • HI gals, I am finally back from vacation, but wish I wasn't. We all had so much fun and didn't want it to end. I had a 3 year old that was throwing a fit because we were leaving the Happiest Place on Earth. So now we are planning our next trip!!

    Laura, was it you that said you stopped counting points? I also did that a couple weeks ago. I am a slow loser to begin with and was getting so stressed out with the whole points thing. I have so much going on in my life, I just felt like this was one more thing that was ruling me. Tho I haven't weighed in since vacation (Yikes on that), I feel like I am doing OK. I did pretty well while on vacation too, mostly because it was hard to over eat when I was constantly chasing kids!

    Jess, I got the book, just need time to look at it. From what I did browse, it looks nice. I plan to study it this weekend. I forgot what I owe you tho! PM or email me! Thanks bunches and hope that your stresses calm down a bit!

    Did I tell you my little girl turned 3???? I will have to get some pics posted!!!
  • Morning ladies

    Sorry I didn't post yesterday either - busy at work so I lurked a bit too... I rented How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days last night (it's been out for a while so I'm a little behind on my movies!) and it was actually pretty good. I think I've hit that time of year when it's getting too cold & nasty & dark to be outside so I just sit inside & watch movies at night... Other than that absolutely nothing new happening with me. Kinda wish there was... I'm getting bored, irritated, & lonely! Apparently I need to get out this weekend

    Jayne - apparently you only needed the 3 hours or so of sleep that you got last night! I hope that doesn't throw you off too badly tonight... Congrats on the fruits/veggies & calcium

    Jess - glad to hear that last week's weigh-in was a fluke! It's always better for your peace of mind to know that it really was the scale and not you!

    Jen - sounds like you had an excellent time at Disney! Post the pics, we want to see birthday pics!

    Gotta go work...
  • Here is a pic that was taken at Epcot and emailed home. I don't have any others yet tho. Kate is sleeping in her belly pouch and Emma didn't smile for many pics. She is at that age. Sorry the pic is dark, I had no control over the quality.
  • Awww Jen you guys look like you're having a great time!!!!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm still alive, I'm so busy at work at it's just NOT calming down. I'm getting some training at least so hopefully by Christmas I'll be OK and won't be running to the other advisor's office every time I try to do something. My sister had the Triplets!!! They are all healthy, born by scheduled C-section 3 weeks early but they were born Thursday and went home Monday so they are definately doing well - Baby A is Amelia Madeline and weighed 4lbs7oz, Baby B is Grace Elizabeth and weighed 5lbs14oz and Jack Michael the bruiser weighed in at 6 pounds! I'm going to try to post a picture of them side by side (in order, Amelia, Grace and Jack) but I'm not sure if it will work.

    I'm trying desparately to keep up with everyone and what's going on but it will probably be a while before I'm back. Nice to see the picture Jen! Emma's getting so big!


    OK, Can't post it cause it's too big and I don't know how to compress it.
  • Jen: Great photo! You have a beautiful family. I'm sure Emma had a blast ... how did Kate do?

    KT: Congrats on being an aunt! Wow ... your sister sure had a lot of baby in her! So glad to hear they're all doing well. Please post a pic!

    So who here before has posted about problems with siblings? I'm having one, sorta. My sister. My 28-year-old sister who seems to think it's OK to just coast through life because her family will just help her. She has a bachelor's degree, but chose to waitress for years and years (living with me on and off, with me basically supporting her) until she decided to go to massage therapy school. Well, she finished that and was offered a job as a receptionist in the school until she got certified. Well, somehow she managed to get herself laid off because they didn't like her phone skills. I haven't talked to her at length yet, but I don't know how I'm not going to be irritated when I talk to her. She doesn't follow through with anything and I don't even think she realizes how much we worry about her. Perhaps my mom and I are enablers, but we don't want to see her lose her car, her apt., etc., so every time something like this happens we bail her out. I told my mom today that maybe we need to stop doing that. When is she going to grow up? She owes me more than $1,000 ... frankly, I gave up counting because I figured I'd never see it. She's a really wonderful person ... I just don't understand why she doesn't follow through with anything!She's quit jobs in the past before she's had a new one (she once said she had an "ephiphany" that she shouldn't be a waitress anymore, so she quit on the spot.) I don't know what she's going to do now. I don't know how I can help her anymore, even just being supportive because I think she just needs to grow up already! Sigh. Anyone have any advice for me?

    Must get back to work. Hello to everyone ... Jayne, is coffee off-limits when you're pregnant? Sounds like decaf is OK. I've been trying to drink 1/2 caf/1/2 decaf for the past few months so I'll be ready to give up caffeine when I'm pregnant!
  • Good Afternoon Ladies!

    Becky - What work-out did you do this morning? I really wanted to lay in bed and cuddle but got up and did WATP 3 miles because I didn't want you to work-out alone at the crack of dawn.

    Jayne - Mmmm watermelon. I beat you to bed last night - 8PM. Hope you didn't drag too bad today. Girl you are going to get that spa day. I doubled up today and did a circuit training class this PM as I'm out of town this weekend and was afraid time for a work-out would slip by.

    Jen - What a lovely picture of your family. Sounds like you had fun on vacation. I stopped counting points for 2 weeks and managed to maintain. I'm back to it now because I'd like to lose a little more.

    Angie - I command thee to do pilates tonight instead of watching a movie. Then call your sister on the phone. That should cure loneliness and winter coma syndrome!

    KT - You are going to be the best aunt ever! Those babies are so lucky!!

    Kim - I don't have the sibling issue like you do but CB sure does! I've suggested much the same thing to him as you did to your mom with the same reasoning that you did. Also, look at it this way. Your primary financial obligation is to yourself, your husband and your future children. Bailing your sister out with money (rather than your time and energy) may mean that you take away from paying your own debt, saving for a house, or building your retirement. If you don't take care of you & hubby first right now, you might not be in a position to help her if she ever had a true emergency like an extended illness.
  • Wednesday
    Hello ladies!
    I've spent the day catching up @ the office. Got a lot accomplished. I'm also listening to Christmas tunes ...

    Jayne - Maybe you should watch your sugar/caffeine intake throughout the day. I'm sure you're getting it in moderation anyhow. I'm still in shock that you're expecting! I think it's wonderful. How is the expectant big brother doing?

    Jess - I can relate w/ the scale fluctuation. I went to WW yesterday, different center, time, and I drank all my water by that time, PMS ... you name it. Needless to say it was up almost 10 lbs in 2 weeks - but today @ home I was down to something SOMEWHAT normal. I'm glad to hear that BF called and apologized.

    Jen - I can't believe Emma is 3! And the little one is here. Wow - Jeremy's 6 now ... how time flies. Glad to hear you enjoyed your vacation. The picture is great!

    Hi Angie! I too have been in a stay-in, snuggle-up movie mode. I'm thinking Christmas flicks now ... I want to get ahead of the game.

    KT - Triplets! I was thinking to myself today "imagine if there were 2 of Jeremy" ... aye-yae-yae! That is amazing & I love the names. Post the pix when you can. Try to do something for yourself during the day! I know it's not easy - my days just fly by here.

    Kim - Wish I had some words of advice about your sister. Seems like she's gonna have to learn the hard way. One of my best friends is like that - a professional student, parents pay the car loan, etc. But we still love her ... can't understand her nonetheless ... maybe it's because she's the baby of her family.

    Well, it's been a busy day ladies.

    I'm happy to be back. I had an awesome OP dinner last night w/ my boy toy and an OP day today.

    Things are looking up!

    Take care!
  • Kim, Kate did better than Emma. Kate is very easy going and happy. Emma is a 3 year old, need I say more? Actually, Emma did very well for a 3 year old. Never wanted to go to bed, but what else is new. She had very few tantrums, until it was time to leave, then it was aweful. She wanted to live there forever. Poor girl!
  • Hey Girls I was swamped with work today and bonded with my legal pads I'm actually skipping class to catch up (or is that Catch 22?)
    Jayne My darling Wubbulous Girl I hope you are holding up I had 7 hours of sleep last night and My arse is dragging Big time
    *usually I have 6 and I'm fine and with 7 I can rule the world
    Jess Sounds like you had a good Weekend!!!
    Kim as for Sib stuff not so much any more but there was a time where my older sis quit jobs after 5 minutes. Maybe your sis does need to hit bottom? anyway you can't fix it for her and next time she needs cash maybe it shouldn't be so available
    Laura Slide me some of your energy woman!!
    Hey DEB Xmas flick wise I want to see Love actually

    Angie I ahve been dying to see that movie!!!
    JEN! your fam is beautiful!! and I'm craving disney!

    OK color me the lazy gourmet!
    tonight I took Sundays homeade chicken soup and tossed in some mini ravioli spinach spices and enough Garlic to ward off a pack of vampires and it was 7 pts and soooooooo good its called Get that confounded Big pot out of my REFRIDGE~!
    WI is tommorrow I'm hoping for a loss I have been so good all week!