What is on your wishlist for XMAS?

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  • Wow I don't think I've ever known anyone that owns their own tiara! We need to see a pic of you wearing it now!

    So do you wear it around town? with your jeans/t-shirts? Or does wearing a tiara mean you need to dress up?

    If it gets you better service I'm all for it...but don't you need to take it off at the movies - so the person behind you can see?

  • I'll be sure to get a picture of me in my tiara and stick it on here. I wear it pretty much with whatever I feel like - sometimes dressy, sometimes not. Heck, sometimes I even wear it when I'm cleaning for that extra boost! And I do leave it on during movies! I'm only 5'3" and the theaters I go to have stadium seating. Besides, who's gonna dare ask us to take them off?
  • That is too funny - I suppose you're right - the "humble masses" may assume you are some kind of royalty and would never dare approach you, let alone speak to you without permission.

    Just swat them with your tiara if they do! ha ha

  • Now you've got the idea! The other highlight of going out with tiara is the marked increase in chivalry. Doors fly open, chairs are pulled out (even at work!), trinkets are purchased. I actually had a very amusing man lay his coat over what could have been a puddle but was actually just a damp spot on the street, lay his little ol' body down and then had me walk on him!!! It's was absolutely hysterical.

    Really, get the book and discover your inner queen.
  • That's the thing! I wish more of my female friends would be confident enough to do that. That's the one thing I'd wish for for X-mas, to have at least one girls out a night a month for the next year. I miss having a posse. Especially working with all men. They are just so different then us. I love being a woman! Maybe we'll get the rest of you tiaras someday. For my 30th B-day I think I'm going to dress up in my comfiest jammiest and slippers and tiara and go to the movies!!! Anyone want to come? We could go out to the steakhouse afterwards!
  • I'm not sure I'd be confident enough to wear a tiara, either. Maybe this book would help me with that??? This pj, slipper and tiara movie-going sounds great! We would be a group to reckon with! Let's do it!!

  • My tiara better be made of cubic zirconia!
  • LOL, Kim! You crack me up! (I'll just send you one of mine - I have several)
  • My ultimate xmas gift would be the ability to fit comfy into a size 10 by xmas day. I'm working on that one...

    Really I think I just want to get my tattoo touched up before I lose much more weight. That's the one time you want extra padding!!! Also thinking a fun, dress up dinner with my friends (with the allowance to act silly and un-adult) would be divine...
  • I am so there for all the dress up and tiara events! Now I'm all excited

    SuperGrl - that was too funny. I read your post and then your stats at the bottom and thought to myself "gee...that sounds so much like Jennalyn" and I was right!!! So glad to have you here! These people are great!
  • Jennalyn, would you recommend that to someone just starting? To keep track of inches? Is that where you saw more difference than the weight? I never even thought of it. I should do that.
  • I would certainly recommend keeping track of inches. I am the kind of her who tends to get obsessed over little things, like weighing myself. Prior to atkins, I had not weighed myself in over 3 years. I closed my eyes at the doctor's office. I refused to even peek. All the nurses knew better than to even repeat the number under their breath. It was bad. And for good reason. I knew that if I knew my weight just once, I would buy a scale. And then I would weigh myself a million times a day, and in turn, I would stop eating because I didn't like what I saw. I decided after watching Star shrink so quickly, I decided to find out my weight at the doctor's office. UGH!!! When I started Atkins, I managed to go the first three weeks without a scale. I was out shopping one day and found myself wandering thru the bathroom section and ultimately on a scale. What a shock and surprise. Ten nasty unslightly pounds gone. I bought the scale. I've been doing really well, I think on a daily average I weigh myself 6 times. But discouragement soon set in. I am a perfectionist and the weight wasn't (and still isn't) coming off as fast as I want(ed) it to. I was getting very bummed about my progress. Star brought over a few pairs of jeans she was too small for when I first started to notice the lost inches. All of a sudden, I had a waist again. An honest to gawd WAIST. And then I noticed my lack of tush. And it seemed that none of my bras seemed to fit anymore. Even when I'd go two weeks without my weight changing, I swear to you, I was losing inches. And that's why I kick myself. I would love to know how many inches I have widdled off my waist, butt and chest. I know that I went from a size 40FF bra down to a svelte (lol) 36DDD. Keep track of inches, trust me, they are just as much or even more so inspiring than actual pounds. Good Luck!!!!!
  • I've been thinking of what I would want for Christmas. I'm 45, and I want a puppy. LOL I have a 13 year old and a one year old dog. I just want a puppy for my young dog to play with. Puppies are practical if you're over 40, right? LOL Barbie
  • Jennalynn - AMEN to the bra sizes going down! I just replaced my bras.. I was at my highest weight a 44FF (I know I know!) and recently bought 40D. I measure as a 38D but the 38's were just a little too snug when I tried them on. I was seeing pillows on the top and they showed through my clothes.. not my idea of attractive! LOL! So even though these are a little bigger than what I measure, I love the new look!
  • Karen,

    I'm so excited for you! I have to admit I was highly disappointed at such a sudden loss, but I started to realize that none of my shirts gapped open anymore. I could button coats. And I barely have to lean to see my feet!!!! Those are the sorts of things that bring a smile to my face. I'm learning that I can still be sexy and attractive with slightly smaller boobs. LOL I've been reading your posts and I think you are doing such a great job! It's so inspiring to read what's going on with others, and know that there really is support for what we decide to do. I just noticed that we started on the same day, and you're down 10 pounds more than I am!!!! Jealous now.... hehehe