WEEK-AT-A-TIME CHALLENGE #7 -- for week starting Oct. 27

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  • Hello, everyone, this is PART V of the One-week-at-a-time challenge. This is a challenge in the spirit of the 21-Day challenge, which I'm still continuing as well but. . .

    I wanted something else, something short and sweet, where I can buckle down and go all out on and yet still come up for air before I burn out. So, I want to start up a ONE-WEEK CHALLENGE. Here, we'll look at the week as a whole, which also means we have room for slipups and unexpected evenings out, or whatever.

    So, unlike the 21-dayer where you commit to doing something every, single day for 21 days straight or have to go back to START and count over the One-Week-at-a-Time challenge is going to be about things like saying; I will go to the gym 3x this week, or I keep my calories to a total of 14,000 for the week, or I will not eat anything after 6 p.m. 3x this week. So, if you want to eat 14,000 calories one day and fast for the next 6 fine! Or, you can go to the gym three days straight and then flop back and do absolutely zilch for the next four.

    This way of attacking things will allow you to customize your challenge to suit yourself, allow for tortoise types and hare types to do their own thing AND means that getting back after after a fall doesn't mean you've lost any ground at all. It'll inspire that crucial element of success -- the POWER TO PERSIST!! I think it'll be a great motivator and great source of empowerment!!

    SO, come on!! If you're interested please jump aboard and tell us your plan for the week and then keep us posted with progress reports and tell us when your goal is accomplished, be it early in the week or at the end. I'll do this starting Monday and wrapping up Sunday night of each week.

    Hope to see you! PLEASE, join me!

  • RECORD BOARD (from this and previous challenges)
    This space is reserved for our challengers. Your name goes here with a sun for each successful challenge. A spin is for a very good effort. You tell me what you've earned! I'm going to start a new thread each week but carry this data over so you can see how many challenges you've done.









    happy dance dot




    Lavender Girl







    Southern Butterfly
  • I'm Ready for Week1!
    Hi Red! Thanks for keeping the week-at-time-challenge. I want to just get by one-day-at-a time! This is the closest thing I can get to managing that goal

    I have been under stress at home and work so I haven't been on top of things but I refuse to let all that get me down. So my challenge this week is to include a minimum of 3 ab workouts.

    Congrats to all of you who met your challenges last week. Glad to be back on this forum.

  • To another week!!!
    Howdy all!

    Ok, I'm doing a weekly challenge elsewhere, so I will just post the same as I did there. (Don't want to just drop my girls here!)

    Alrighty then, it's pretty simple and pretty much the same.

    1. Do 100-150 crunches 4x's
    2. Drink AT LEAST 50oz(no less) of water everyday. But try to get in a full 80.

    Oh, and Red dahling.... I succeeded last week.... do we still get our little sunshines?!

  • Sorry I missed last week. I am just dealing with so much stuff right now; I'm not even sure why I am adding the stress of trying to lose weight to my already stressed out life, but I'm here again.

    I didn't do a darn thing that I was supposed to last week (was just the week from **** and had so much going on). Going back to my walking 3 times this week and drinking 40 ounces of water (at least) everyday.

    I didn't do too bad on the ater thing last week though. I just didn't get out to walk. Hopefully I can get both in this week.

    *great big hellos and good luck to everyone*

  • Last week was a success!!! This week I'm going to challenge myself a little more.

    1. cardio 5x
    2. weights 3x
    3. No candy

    MNJ - congratulations on completing your goal!!!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • I'm going to take the rest of the day off with doing nothing!! It was a ROUGH morning. I posted in the 21 day thread as to why, but here it is again:

    I slept bad worrying about the exam I had this morning. I was running a little late trying to get in some last minute studying. I got to school and got out and what do you think I did????? I locked my keys, along with my purse and backpack in the car!! I had to run up to the school and find a phone to call my fiance to come to the school and unlock the car. (we live 15-20mins. away) Well, I was late for my first class, but only by 15mins. But I was still frazzled about the whole ordeal and spent the rest of the class time trying to catch up!
    The accounting class....exam time. I was a mess. I was literally shaking. I know I got a lot of it done alright, but I'm not so sure if it was passing material. I'll see on Wednesday.

    So for today... I need to relax. I'll start the excercise tomorrow!!

  • This week I will

    do Total Gym 4x week

    Drink 64oz water daily

    No sweets( this is the toughest especially with all the Halloween candy everywhere!)

    Good Luck to everyone!

  • Hi! I'd like to join this with this goal:
    Walk 30 minutes at least 4 days this week. Today I walked for over an hour! And I know I will walk for at least 30 minutes tomorrow because my mom and I scheduled a walk. this should be easy I have no excuses for not making this goal!
  • slow start but i'll be there soon!
    OK, people, I too am just TOO busy to have thought of a challenge and stressed, BUT I'm going to even if it's a bit late. I've put your names on the record board. I can't keep up with putting your challenges up there too so it'll just be the suns for successful challenges. Please tell me if your name is not there and/or if you need an extra sun or have too many.

    mscat816, I really know how you feel. I'm in the same boat. And good for you for still doing a challenge but keeping it simple. That's still better than nothing and it'll give you some structure in times where structure kind of flies out the window. Good luck!

    M.N.J., please don't leave us!! Thanks for posting here too. I'm doing the 21 too so it's not like I'm not doing anything here but I do want to do something a little special just for the week. Am thinking. So sorry to hear about your bad day. to you too for taking on the challenge!

    Shelldawn, hello! If you can try to lose weight on top of the stress you're going through you're that much closer to whipping the overweight thing. This is what it's really all about, isn't it? I mean, if we had someone to cook for us and do everything for us and all we had to do was eat the right number of calories each day to not gain weight none of us would probably have a problem. So, good for you for keeping at it nonetheless. You're an inspiration to me because I'm so stressed now too.

    Southern Butterfly, congrats on last week's challenge! I put a sun up there for you. Are there enough? Good luck!

    allthatjazz, Good luck!!

    beachkid, Welcome! Good luck and you can do it!!
  • I did 35min on the elliptical and 20min upper body last night. I didn't even think about my goal of no candy until after I read allthatjazz's post. Oh well, that just means I'll have to bring out the extra extra willpower!!

    Redballon - that's enough suns (I think). I haven't been keeping up.
  • I'm back!
    Ok.... I know I have been missing... and no, I wasn't successful in my weekly challenge last week, nor did I do well with my eating. I had company come in this week from California, and we enjoyed ourselves. Last friday was the third day since Sept. 2nd that I didn't do ANY type of exercise at all, but Sat. and Sunday, I did run five miles, and yesterday I rollerbladed around the lake (10 miles) so I did OK with my exercise... just didn't get my pilates or ab work in.

    So... my company is gone.. as of this morning, and I am BACK on track!!!! I want to get down to the 120's by Thanksgiving, so I need to really get busy working. This past week gave me a gain of 2.5 pounds... (part of which is water, part of which is too much good food and alcohol), so I have to back track and get my butt in gear and back into the groove!

    Here are my goals:

    OP starting TODAY, Tuesday for the rest of the week
    Do cardio everyday this week, and duel cardio 4 days (T, W, TH, F)
    And do a video (pilates/abs) once a day til the end of the week. (Tu-Sun)

    I can say... I felt great this week. I looked better, I felt better, he and I exercised together.. as well as had really great food! It was worth it... but now I am getting ready for Thanksgiving.. so I can look better and feel better and enjoy the holidays.

  • I did 45min on the treadmill last night. Was going to do some lower body weights, but my tummy told me it'd been too long since it'd eaten.

    Cherie - welcome back!!
  • moving right along!!!!
    Southern Butterfly, great going on the exercise! You're really working that bootie! Keep it going!

    Cherie, I'm so glad to hear things went well with your friend and you must have felt great. Don't worry about not exercising. This was your time off. This is what you put the hard work in for, or at least, it's one of the reasons. Those are times to ENJOY!!
    Glad to have you back!

  • Sticking around for the week..
    Even though my weekly challeng is in the tubes. Yesterday, I still wasn't feeling 100%, and I tried to go exercise yesterday afternoon.. but couldn't even do a mile. So I took the day off.. ate bad, and went to bed early.

    This morning is a different day. I have already gotten up and done my pilates, and had a good breakfast.... and feeling so much better!!! I think I just needed rest.... I am back now and ready to get back on track!

    Hope everyone has a great challenge week... I will be popping in, but will start back on my real challenge next week!
