Just Chat - Friday, October 24

  • Early Good Morning! I trudged down to the Beach in the dark this morning and spotted Frannymae on her way back to work.
    There was not a sound from the Sick Bay except for some gentle snoring from under the umbrella and the odd whimper.

    There is still lots of gorgeous colour around here. I drove through the forest yesterday afternoon on a narrow dirt road with gorgeous red and gold trees overhanging the car. That road is hilly and bumpy and so narrow that you could never get by another car! I do love to live dangerously.

    Today I am planning to go to a tea for and organization called Victoria's Quilts. They make quilts for cancer patients and I may try to get involved. It's not a group that sits around and quilts and gabs but an organization that supplies fabric which you make up at home. I am not jumping in to this but will check it out. I may even put on make-up.

    The Girls won't like it but I am going to get them up and start the woodstove. It is freezing in here and I don't have coffee yet. They will just have to adjust!

    Have a super day.
  • Morning everyone,

    Since Ruth is up early I get to post at the Just Chat.

    I was right there with you on your drive down Fall Road. It is such a beautiful sight.

    THe weather here has turned from 92 to I need a blanket weather. We have had a week of record breaking temperatures.

    My friends are going to go to Cripple Creek to gamble. One really likes the penny machines. She and her DH takes her parents. Her dad is 93 and mom is 85. They are such a cute couple.

    I have actually had time to read. What a pleasure this is for me.

    Time for me to go post on the DAILY, but wanted this opportunity to say hello to all of you.

    Have a nice day, and Ruth, snuggle up to your pups and stay warm.

  • Good morning!

    You obviously didn't hear my fire detector going off, Ruth! Was awaken at 4:30 this morning by one going off in the attic (where we sleep). We searched high and low, but all seemed fine. So I'm up for the day.
    That quilt thingy is a nice idea. I hope you don't have to sew the darned things by hand.
    Hope your ear is better, sweetie!

    Gambling, Marcie! There's something in me that doesn't allow me to gamble. I can't even buy a lottery ticket, darn it! I had to buy one once years ago for an old man I was working for. I was absolutely MORTIFIED! I was afraid that someone I knew would see me. I REALLY wanted to buy one for the 30 million lottery that was just won, but I just couldn't do it...
    Food... it's my only vice.

    Have a great day, girls!
  • Ellis,

    Me gamble!! I like my money too much to take that gamble! I would rather have something that will last than to put it into a machine, pull the handle and watch NOTHING come up over and over and over!!
    On the other hand, my DH has no problem doing that. With every pull he thinks he is going to RETIRE!! Luckily he doesn't get to do this but once a year and I don't give him too much to spend!!

    I am with you...food is my vice, but the food police are watching me.

    Have a nice day.

  • Good Morning all!

    I am starting to move around a little, the back is feeling somewhat better. If I had the money I would be a gambler but my common sense takes over. I think it is fun.

    Ruth ~ That quilt thingy sounds so nice. My SIL made me one and I adore it, so warm and cozy. The poor thing has Lupus and it must have taken her forever to finish it in all her pain. It is one of my treasured possessions.

    Ellis ~ 4:30 You better make sure you take a nap today

    I'm off to walk around the house a little and stretch out my back then a shower, thank the Lord. That's my big day, what about everyone else?
  • Good morning ladies. Not much new today. I have a hair appt this morning and then a few errands to run.

    Ruth~~Thanks for sharing that glorious ride with us. Stay warm.

    Marcie~~The only gambling that I have ever done (DH buys the lottery tickets) was in the Monaco Casino, while on a tour in France with my mom, just for the experience.

    Ellis~~~Where were you last night? I saved you the most comfortable chair and some roasted chick-peas. We would of had the basement to ourselves and could have stayed up all night gossiping in between our hot flashes. Maybe next time??? I'm glad that the fire alarm was a "false alarm"

    Sflake~~I'm so happy to hear that you are finally up and about, even if it's only in your house.
  • Feeling much better this morning...my sore throat is better...my nose is still stuffy....I am down one pound today...that was a hard pound to lose. My girls are doing better but, Tango's arthritus is acting up. She can't seems to get her back hip moving. We are expecting al cold frount today. YEA!!!
  • Hello Sweet Beauties!

    Ruth: Glad your preparing to warm up! Loved the tour on the bumpy, hilly, narrow dirt road! You write beautifully! Tell us more about the colors!!! (colours? eh!)

    2B: Whatcha doin' to your hair? I need a cut and just did my roots. My highlights are growing out a bit. Can't decide if I want to put more back in...

    Sflake: Sorry to hear about your back, but happy it's a little better! I have 8 verts. fused together in my back and can sympathize with back problems!! Make the shower a nice l-o-n-g one with massage!

    Whimsey: Glad you're feeling a bit better! Maybe you need one of those quilt things!!! I hate when my nose is stuffy!!! I get so impatient with everything and everyone! Get well soon! Maybe get in a hot shower (sflake's taking one...I hear the water running...maybe she'll share!)

    Marcie: Where's Cripple Creek? (sounds like it should be Creak) Gambling could be fun...maybe! I've only tried the nickle slot machines in Monaco. I set aside a whole, whopping $5.00 and fed the machine until the $5 ran out! It took about 1 1/2 hours including all the people-watching and stuff. Guess it was cheap entertainment but I always lose more than I win!

    Food police? Is that like the Mattress police? Are they really watching? Who do they report to?

    Ellis: It's good to stick with your strong convictions and gut feelings. Don't wish yourself to change the stuff you like about yourself! Let someone else buy lottery tickets for a work friend next time! I'd buy it, but no chance of winning that way!!! They'd only ask once!!!

    Thanks again to everyone for all the delicious birthday wishes for yesterday!!! Loved them! You all made me feel special! Back at ya! Hope I can make you each feel special too!

  • Hi everyone!!! I fell asleep around the time Ellis woke up (actually more like 5 am) and woke up at 9, so I am cranky and have a headache. I'll post tomorrow when I am cheerier (HOPEFULLY!!!)
  • J&L~~back from the salon. This month was root color and cut. I did the roots, foils and eyebrow waxing last month~boy did that add up Now, I need to finish the laundry and house cleaning and then prepare my food for the weekend at work.