erythema nodosum

  • I've recently been diagnosed with erythema nodosum. I had my sed rate rechecked 4 weeks after my big flare up disappeared. My doctor felt certain that my sed rate would have gone down since the red splotches had been gone for four weeks. To our surprise, my sed rate had increased by 10 points to 51.

    Do any of you know much about elevated sed rates and/or erythema nodosum? I've read alot on the internet but am just as confused as when I started. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks
  • What is a sed rate?
    I used to have something diagnosed as erethema annulara centrifugum which basically means red circular rash. I struggled with it for years. I only got it on my face and upper body but these circles would sometimes grow and join together. At one point it looked like the Olympic symbol on my back. It was impossible to cover it with make-up because it was raised a little. I'd never had acne or a lot of pimples and no creams or potions seemed to work on this rash. Sometimes it would fade for a week or so but it always came back. Finally I found the cure. I quit smoking. I couldn't believe it but within days of going on the nicotine patch, my skin rash disappeared and never returned. I can only assume that it wasn't nicotine I was allergic to because I'd smoked for years before this rash appeared. I think it was all the new noxious chemicals they began putting into cigarettes in the 70s. It's a good reason for me to never take another puff and I haven't.
    I haven't a clue what erethyma nodosum might be though. Now I'm going to have to do a search to find out what it is. This is how we get educated.
  • I can't believe I just accidently clicked the reset button.

    Erythema nodosum is a skin condition where red lumps form on the shins, and less commonly the thighs and forearms. Sed rate is the number of red blood cells that fall to the bottom of a test tube in one hours time. An elevated sed rate indicates that there is some type of inflammation or infection in the body but it doesn't indicate where in the body.

    EN can be a condition in and of itself or it can be a condition or a more serious problem like tb, lupus or crohn disease.

    My doctor and dermatologist both said that they couldn't do much until I have another flare up. The sed rate will be checked again in January.