My 200 day get to goal weight challenge

  • I decided on this challenge, it's theoretically possible for this to happen. I have about 16.5 kg to lose. 16.5 / 200 = 82.5 grams a day, not a very high number. I started yesterday and had a sugary meal to celebrate the start of the challenge. I walked for about 70 minutes. I didn't track my intake. So I plan on tracking my intake and aiming for an average of 6000 kilojoules a day.

    Day 1 81.1 kg
    Day 2 81.1 kg I'm expecting a biggish drop tomorrow, let's see if I'm right.
  • In the last 20 years I've made two weight loss blogs, the first one started in 2006 and I was 10 kilograms above goal weight when I started it. I abandoned it 16 months later, 10 kg heavier. After a gap of 2 years and 4 months I started another blog. I was 28 kilograms above goal weight when I started. 3 years later I reached goal weight. Then I started gaining again. I carried on posting for another 8 years before doing my "last post" entry.

    I loved weight loss blogs. At its heyday there must have been 500-1000 of them. I had a blogroll on my blog which had 500 of them. There were 5-10 bloggers who had reached goal weight and were still posting. Occasionally there were inter-blog arguments and fights. I remember two blogs going private on the same day.

    All of that is gone, pretty much. I'd guess there are 50 weight loss blogs out there, still posting. Most of them are very old blogs, and subject matter has moved on to other things as well as weight loss.

    I've decided to read two of my posts a day, and post here if anything interesting has been written. I have strong feelings of nostalgia reading the posts.

    January 2006 - goal+10.8 kg. I buy whey powder for the first time and it's a big container. I treat myself to coffee and a slice of cake to celebrate the start of the blog. That's a recurring theme for me - going to a cafe to celebrate the start of something, or a restart of something. I repeated that later in the day - coffee and slice at a cafe a second time. Fortunately that rarely happens, twice in a day.
  • Day 3 - 80.8 kg, a loss of 300 grams. My spreadsheet graph trendline is showing a loss of 150 grams a day, and I need to lose 85 grams a day, so things are going well right now since the first number is greater than the second number. Yesterday I ate 5990 kilojoules of food which is just below my preferred average of 6,000. I'll post an update later on today.
  • So I ate 6027 kilojoules today, and had a 45 minute walk. Another walk is planned before bed. Average intake is 6009 kilojoules, which is fine.
  • Day 4, 80.2 kg. I'm losing 282 grams a day (wow!) and I need to lose 82 grams a day. Of course this is glycogen-water weight loss, so it's not real fat loss. But I'll take it.
  • So the graph above is a very sad picture. It shows my weight for each calendar month, relative to the weight at the start of the month. I just look at it and think "WTF was I doing?"

    I've banned myself from having chocolate until I reach goal weight (unless I travel 1-2 hours to have some at the mall where I last had it, using 3 modes of transport) and it seems as though my sugar cravings have reduced already. As always, let's see how that goes.
  • The image above actually makes me happy, the opposite of the previous image. It's a graph of my weight from about October 2020 until March 2024. That's a lot of points and data. You'll see a lot of fluctuations. You an also see the red markers. Each red marker is a measured weight for each calendar month. Some months it's in the first week and some months it's in the last week. I've chosen the marker dates so that each marker is less than the previous month's marker. That's actually quite easy to do, at least at the start and maybe the first year. So I've managed to get a red marker drop 42 months in a row. I do consider that an achievement. I'm not tired of my weight loss, after about 3 1/2 years of dieting. That's a good sign for when I reach goal weight and have to transition over the maintenance - for the rest of my life.
  • 80.1 kg. I walked 45+40+45 minutes yesterday. I also ate 8158 of food. I'll need to under eat for a while to compensate. I'm losing 290 grams a day and I need to lose 82 grams a day so things are going well right now.