lose weight correctly 2

  • 4. Avoid liquid calories

    The easiest way to have a lot of calories is to drink them up. Juices, colas, soft-drinks, shakes, sodas etc all sound tempting, but should be a strict no-no. They won't just add up to extra calories, but would also lead to a spike in the blood sugar levels, increasing the risk for diabetes.
  • First and foremost, in order to lose weight correctly, you need to make sure that you're eating the right things. Eating healthy, nutritious foods is key - if your diet is full of processed foods and empty calories, you're not going to see any results.

    In addition to eating healthy foods, it's important to exercise regularly. cardio exercises are great for weight loss, as they help to burn calories and fat. Strength-training is also beneficial, as it helps to tone your body and build muscle mass.

    Finally, remember that slow and steady wins the race - losing weight gradually is much healthier and more sustainable than trying to lose it quickly.
  • I can understand why you can't drink sweet water, but is it possible to drink just carbonated water?