What is it????

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  • This may sound really stupid, and something I should be knowledgable of........but, OhWell!!!!

    Can someone please tell me what Uncle Sam's cereal is?

    Where do you find it? Is it worth eating?? I feel so left out. I keep reading about everyone eating it, and I haven't even seen it before. Help!!!
  • Damned if I know! Must be some Yankee invention. Up here in the boonies we eat Kellogg's Fiber One which is probably the same thing. Maybe we should call it Fathers Of Confederation?
  • Lord love a duck, Sharon! You live in Indiana! Do you not have Uncle Sam's cereal there!? (I have no idea what it is, either, but I'm pretty sure my location provides me with a good excuse)
  • Okay, now here's the scoop on Uncle Sam Cereal:


    Don't ask me if it is any good...I've never had it! It looks like so much chopped cardboard to me! But then maybe it is delish? :
  • Thanks Franny.....and you Canadians!!

    I went to the site you recommended, and you're right!
    It does look like a bunch of cardboard! I can see why they say it's a natural laxative!!!

    Think I'll pass on buying a whole box of this stuff....even if I could find it here in the Boonies of Indiana!

    Thanks for the help everyone. Now I can rest without worries of being left out tonight. I'm such a baby!

    Nighty night!
  • P.S.
    I love Ruth's name for this stuff........"Fathers of The Confederation! " Woo-oo-oo, makes it sound so tasty!
  • WELL!

    I WAS going to get some, if our Wal Mart ever got it in.....but now!! NO WAY!!

    Love ya

  • I think I'll just stick to my steel cut oats and cooked multigrain cereal w/flax! While neither sounds all that appetizing, I find them very comforting and yummy. Plus, with all the hardware in my mouth they go down pretty smooth!
  • I find Uncle Sam's at Wal-Mart in the cereal aisle, on the top shelf, the very last cereal in the aisle (very well hidden). Right next to the Kashi. I guess I'm the only one that kinda likes it...with 3 packets of Splenda, of course!
  • Sharon ~ I've seen it in the supermarket (stop & shop) but never had the guts to try it. You have to look real hard as it is kinda tucked away. I guess its not real popular, wonder why hehehe.

    Hey how is your neice making out? I'm sending : out for you and your family.
  • I'm really confused. I may have stumbled on the reason I'm having some problems losing weight. I looked at the nutritional information on the Uncle Sam's cereal website and I see that the carbs are 38g!! I've been looking at the Carbs and sugars. I try not to eat the wrong (high carb) things, then I end up eating all night because I'm so hungry. I guess I need to reread the book, but can someone explain why Uncle Sam's is ok to eat?

  • Uncle Sam's is recommended because it has a lot of fiber...10 grams per serving, compared to 4 for oatmeal, for example. Don't get too hung up on how many carbs are in something...that only tells part of the story. You should be paying attention to sugar, because sugar is sugar, period. But when it comes to carbs the right carbs aren't always the low carbs! That is where the Glycemic Index (GI) comes into play. That is a measurement of how your body reacts to the carbs. Then there is the Glycemic Load, which some feel is an even better measure of how food affects your blood sugar and insulin levels.

    Gee, now I'm confused! The rule of thumb is to choose whole grain, high fiber carbs. Those foods will have a lower GI than highly processed carbs. Does this help at all? Hope so!
  • I bought some Uncle Sam's cereal, and it isn't quite as bad as cardboard

    This is my description: Take Wheaties, shrink them to half size, remove all sugar or sweet flavor, and throw in a bunch of whole flax seeds as the other "grain."

    I think I've eaten 1 or 2 bowls, and it is now sitting in my kitchen, waiting for me to be desperate enough to eat it again. 3 Splenda packets sounds about right, but they're so expensive!

  • It says right on the box that Uncle Sam's is a low glycemic index food, so I wouldn't worry about the 38g of carbs. I just noticed today that it also has 2000g (or is it mg?) of Omega-3.... I think that's more than my supplement contains! I eat it almost every day (sometimes even for dinner LOL) and the pounds are still coming off.
  • Thanks, everybody!

    So much information for me to formulate!

    Guess I'll have to decide if I want to give it a try(if I can

    find the stuff in hiding!) . Too bad we can't all split a box

    just to taste!

    Thanks for the feedback Chickie friends!