How I didn't lose focus on weight loss

  • How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? We all have days when we are tired and feel like giving up. On such days, I would give myself a little rest, watch vlogs to feel fresh and spend time with my family. After this, I would close my eyes, think about all the misery my weight had given me, all the limitations, that feeling of never being good enough, and how even my closest friends bullied me for being fat. I wouldn’t say it’s a great thing to do so, I was always a very happy person, took everything sportingly, but people had no limits, so I did feel hurt sometimes. All of that just gave me more reason to rise above and grow. I talked to my mother about everything, she gave me strength every time I felt weak. Ultimately, it was my life, and I had to take charge of it. I did everything I could to ensure that I kept going and never gave up.