2021 New IP Protocol: Q & A?

  • I just started Ideal Protein this week: July 2021. From looking at older forums and reviews, it seems like they rebooted the program and changed a few things. So I have a few questions and hope someone can give me some answers or advice or tips:

    I am not hungry. I feel like I am forcing myself to eat most of my meals to a point that if I take one more bite, I am going to throw up. I am trying to space out my veggies throughout the day, but come mealtime, I feel like I am forcing it down.

    What happens if I do not eat all my daily vegetables?

    Can I use the IP products like snacks and split my daily veg/protein between lunch and dinner?

    Are there any tricks/tips/advice for the more savory/not sweet IP foods?

    I'll add more questions as I think of them. Thank you to anyone and everyone who can help. I've been trying to lose weight since childhood. Struggling and dealing with depression and feeling like an outsider. I am hoping this one will stick.
  • Welcome to IP! I would try to eat the all the food on the sheet - try to split it up as much as you can to get it in. One thing I do is roast and blend up my cauliflower and ~2 garlic cloves, blend them together, and mix it in with my soups to make a creamier base for Cream of Chicken / Mushrooms. I would roast and blend up red pell peppers with the Tomato-Basil (although I did NOT like that as a soup). One trick is mixing in two egg whites with the soup mixes, patting them down on a cookie sheet, and bake them at 350 for ~20 min to make a flat bread (the tomato-basil made a good "pizza crust" with blended red bell pepper sauce and mushrooms on top). I use the ready to drink vanillas as creamer in my coffee in the morning.


2021, advice, answers, not hungry, questions