Need Accountability Buddies

  • Hi I am Jamie, 54 years old. I am 5'8" and started Keto in March sometime at 190 lbs and now I am 200 lbs. It doesn't seem like Keto works for me. I'm sadder than sad. I have been trying calorie counting, Nutrisystem and now that Keto failed I'm just plain lost. I almost hate living anymore when I am like this. I used to be 150-160 lbs. and at my height, I was quite svelte. Now life is just seeing a scale go up and my stomach stick out no matter what I seem to do. Pissed off in Seattle.
  • Hello Jamie. I feel your pain. I have not tried Nutrisystem or Keto, but have tried other diets. The older we get (62) the more our bodies seem to be against us. Right now I am trying Intuitive Eating or Mindful Eating, I am at the point that I just cannot take on another diet, I DO not want to count or log or weigh anything anymore, I am just sick and tired of it. Anyway best of luck to you. God bless.
  • Hi Miztery, I just joined the group tonight. I'm going to be 80 yrs old in 1 1/2 months, and I hear what you're saying about it being more and more difficult to lose as we age. I too am on the KETO way of eating, and I find that it works for me if I work it properly, but as I age it does come off slower. So, I have been trying to have salads for a meal more often. Chef salads are way more filling and I use the lowest calorie dressings I can find and I've been surprised that they don't taste bad at all. However, I get bored because I live alone, had total knee replacement a little over a year ago and that has slowed down physical activity somewhat too. When this weather warms up a bit more I'll try to get out and walk more too. I wish you good luck and I'll be watching to see if you start having better results. We gotta stick together! LOL!