New member

  • Hi everyone I'm a new member and looking forward to be welcomed into this forum with each of you . Thank you .
  • Good morning Everyone

    I just want to wish all Muslim's the best for this Ramadaan, as you know it is the fasting period where by Muslims fast for just the day and break in the afternoon, I feel this is the right time for us all to do our best by keeping to a good eating plan as many people do not know but it is not good to fill yourself up full when you hungry so try to eat in sessions after you break your fast and in the mornings when you open your fast.

    I wish everyone a successful month ahead with all of your diet goals and body mass goals, we need to stay focused and do not fall short on your plan keep to it and indulged yourself one day a week depending on you plan schedule and good luck everyone.
  • hey guys, I have also registered here new today and would be glad to introduce
  • Hi new member alert