What Happened to 3FC?

  • Wow, this place has really changed. I've not been around regularly for a couple of years i guess, but what happened to everyone who has posted more than 5x and who can write more than 1 sentence, and isn't trying to make you click on something? Or replying (with 3 words) to a question from 4 years ago where the original poster hasn't been seen since. Where did all the people go who wanted to discuss things? I know it's been happening for a lot of years, but wow. Is everything written by bots? Calling all the real people, is anyone out there??..........
  • Yep, 3FC has active members
    Hi ange82much (Good grief! After ten years that you're here I just read your Avatar out loud. Congrats for slipping that past me),

    Yep, there are some real (non-bot) folks active here.

    The swarm of SPAM posts has surged this month. There apparently are some new sites that give folks links for which they collect a coin if you click. The bots have set out to make their fortune. The Mods are working hard to delete them. But it will pass; it always has. Unfortunately you have to avoid the vapid posts until they all decide another way to make a living.

    There are a bunch of active threads - reach out to somewhere new.

    Glad you're back and active.
  • You're right Bill. I was being rather harsh, and definitely there are some genuine groups on here that are still supporting each other. Good you're working on the scammers and thanks for the reply.
    Yep, after 10 years or whatever the name is still appropriate. Here i am having another go
  • I think a lot of folks moved on to reddit or got busy with their lives.