Yo! Wanna be accountability/weight loss buds?

  • Howdy there! I'm new to all of this but here it goes:

    Me: A 25yo, easy going obese person, trying to get their crap together. Regularly hikes, walks and occasionally throws around free weights. Trying to lose some fat, gain muscle and just be more in control of my food cravings.

    You: A human, with a good attitude, also trying to lose weight.

    Expectations: Let's help keep each other motivated! Totally down to snap or message if the shoe fits!
  • Hey new here too though just about triple your age. Also measure in kgs not pounds. I am fairly active for my age but a partial thyroid removal has made keeping a stable weight very tough (though honestly have been a bit of a yo yo dieter all my life) In the last 2 years I have slowly released about 7 extra kgs but need to lose another 10 to 12 ideally. I thought I might try to keep accountable via a forum and stumbled upon MFC
    YES! Also trying to lose weight and have a good attitude too but life gets me down sometimes with a hubby who needs extra care.
    I will not be snapping or messaging alas but I am one happy to keep you (and me) accountable via this forum. Hope you find some younger members to inspire you via social media as well.
  • Awesome! I'm glad you're here!
  • What is your diet exercise plan or are you just winging it?
  • So my eating habits have been so poor for the majority of my life the idea of some diets are too much to process (Keto, Paleo, etc.) I'm trying to implement small behavioral changes right now. For example: cooking at home, smaller portions, less desserts/snacks, loose calorie counting.

    I have intentions to make stricter dietary rules for myself down the line but for now this seems to be what I can handle.

    Exercise, to me, is the fun part of weight loss. I hike about 10-15 miles a week (more when I have the time) as well as walk 1-2 miles 5 days a week. My mile pace is around 18 mins. Looking to track the times of my exercise to speed up my mile. I have a 6 day muscle rotation (arms/shoulders, chest/back, legs/core) that I used to do when gyms were safer but haven't felt safe enough to go back yet.

    So I have a lot of intentions, but not a formal plan? But rhe changes I've been making feel accessible.

    Do you have a very specific plan? For exercise or diet? Always looking for new info!
  • No specific plan either at this stage. Very similar to you though not nearly as active (pretty good for my age though)

    I think for me portion size is a big thing, I'm sure I eat too much "good" food.

    Perhaps I will try for a "no supper" rule too. Though we (my husband and I) nibble on nuts or reasonably healthy foods at night no doubt no need for them after an evening meal. It is a comfort thing. My parents always had a latish supper and my husband's family did a lot as well.

    I think your plan sounds feasible. A good idea is to write down what you actually do eat - sometimes the amount is surprising.
  • Hi!
    I'm interested!
    I'm turning 38 and would like to lose around 20 or 25 pounds.
    Hope to chat with you!