So sad

  • Hello, I just joined because I need someone to talk to. I've been trying keto off and on for a few years with no success. My husband stopped drinking a year ago and lost 50 pounds. He's a mind over matter kind of guy and doesn't fully understand my struggle. Since we met, I put on probably 70 pounds. And I was overweight to begin with. Now that he's had all this success with his own health, he is refusing to sleep with me. He knows I want another baby, something he wants too, but doesn't want me pregnant at my current weight. Logically I understand but emotionally it's a hard blow. He thinks it will motivate me, I guess, but my feelings are just hurt. Our autistic son is a little overweight (he's 7) and my husband has taken away all of his favorite foods. Autistic people have very sensitive senses and try to limit their exposure to what they can handle. I honestly feel like that myself sometimes. I didn't marry an obsessed health guy and he didn't marry a skinny girl. It feels like a sudden change in martial expectations and I feel hurt and judged.
  • Hello and I am so sorry you are feeling so awful. it sounds like you are dealing with such a challenge anyway, with an autistic son. and when your life partner seems to change from what you are used to, it is unsettling!! I hope you can find a way through this. Come back to talk if it helps!
  • Oh Dame
    im so sorry you are dealing with all of this heartache. Seeing your husband controlling what your son eats. Autistic or not, controlling someone's food can be counterproductive. Of course his being autistic makes it even worse. I'm sorry to read that you are being rejected because of your weight. i personally know what that feels like. Not from a spouse but from a controlling mother. Rejection because of weight causes deep pain. And it usually brings the opposite result the person intended.
    Sending you a safe hug if that's okay <3


autism, marriage, ttc, weight loss