January 2020 Ups and Downs of Depression

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  • Hi and if you are new or a returning friend This is a place to vent, chat, whatever helps get you through. We definitely have down times BUT also have good times!! and need to celebrate/talk about those times too. don't feel guilty to express that you are happy at the moment!
  • I will pop in and say that I am sick of shoveling! Didn't get alot with this last dump, maybe 5 or 6" total but we do our paths/driveway ourselves and it is effort. It does count towards - and maintain if not improves - my fitness goals though.

    I have been at my new temp winter job for 2 weeks now. I am feeling more comfortable in the kitchen, figuring things out, but the next new thing is being assigned to different rooms with different aged children. The downstairs kids are much louder and take more effort! but I guess it is better than assembling rowing machines (last winter) and definitely better than the temp jam making job of 2 months ago

    For this current daycare center job, it started that I had to be at work at 7 a.m. most days which is tough for me in the winter, though thank goodness the place is just 9 minutes away...but now I have to be at work at 6:30 a.m. 2 days a week, yikes! Oh well. It's a job

    I haven't had too many down thoughts lately...I do get irritated at things around here that I can't do anything about but it doesn't send me spiraling downward.

    hope you all have a good non-wintry remainer of the day!!
  • Hi Holly
    thanks for starting the January thread!
    Im SO glad you are not returning to the rowing machine job. You were so good at making the best of it last winter. But i knew that your creative abilities were squelched. Daycare kitchen job sounds much better. Altgough those early morning hours, ouch.

    You got much more snow than we did, whatever day that was. We got slightly less than 3 inches. It was a gorgeous snowfall in the valley. The snow clung to the tree branches. Altgough I'm looking forward to spring (in late April or May).

    Glad to read you are not getting too down. That's a lot! It's GREAT to read your posts. I love reading them no matter how you are feeling or doing at the time.
  • Flower (Pat) It WAS a beautiful snowfall, wasn't it. I guess I'm not so jaded by shoveling (yet ) that I can enjoy the sight. And it's pretty easy snow to shovel/push, except for that day/night that we had rain/compacted snow/ice. THAT was awful to shovel.

    The daycare job is going okay I definitely like being in the kitchen more than the childcare though, I have to say. I was in the downstairs section yesterday which is 3 to 4 yr olds; and wow they were testing all of us! especially me, 'cause I'm new and they were seeing how far they could get with me. It was challenging because I myself don't know all the boundaries and right/wrong behavior for them, so it was kinda frustrating for me...because I like everything laid out and predictable But I lived through it.

    The infants are maybe the easiest, hold them, give them a bottle, maybe play on the floor with them a bit . The toddlers would be my next choice, they are pretty 'mallable', meaning you can divert them pretty easily when there is a grabbing/no sharing issue.

    I'm still finding my way around the kitchen/meal duties, it seems that even though there is a posted menu, it is deviated from all the time...as long as you satisfy the required food group servings. but I would think that maybe the parents would like to know that the kids are getting what we say we are giving them?

    Been shoveling almost every day, even if there is a very small amount that has fallen, there is always more at the top of the driveway where the State plow throws it onto our driveway. So I am counting all those minutes towards to monthly exercise goal oh joy

    Thank you Flower for being my audience I hope so much that you are doing okay? in your tum and in your mind?
  • Holly, I don't even have a snow shovel. That's a benefit of condo living. BUT I do have different reasons to often dread snow. Shoveling dies not sound east when there is a layer of ice. But great exercise.

    Your job sounds great if you can be in the kitchen enough. And if you get the babies or toddlers when you are in the day care part. I suspect that once you get to know the babies and children, you may bond with some. That might make work even better. But I too would prefer the kitchen. Bonding with the pots and pans, lol

    Not looking forward to the predicted half inch of ice in the valley. I'm hoping the trees in the woods in my back yard will be okay. And that the electricity stays on. I remember the big ice storm many years ago. It looked like a war zone with all the fallen limbs in the Burl. Area. This is where living alone and not having people to turn to becomes frightening. Being at home all alone worrying about the trees too close to my home on the side and back. And worrying about the electricity/heat. Oh well, I will hope for the best. And maybe live on pills for anxiety Saturday and Sunday

    hope you are having a good and calm day
  • Good morning Flower / Pat Yes, I am sure once I get to know the individual children more, I will bond and look forward to interacting with them Each day I learn one more child's name. And with any job, I just need a little more time to 'get in the groove'.

    Oh wow yes the Ice Storm of 1998, we were very lucky that our county was out of the hard hit area. I'm not even sure if we lost power. I do remember driving along the Interstate a couple weeks later, and I was approaching the Richmond area, that you could see an actual line of where there were unharmed trees and then the war zone

    I will be crossing my fingers, Pat, that your area is spared from any bad ice problems this weekend! ! boy I'm not sure about the forecast at all.. I just saw a brief peek of sun.

    Our big motorcycle organization event is tonight! our annual Harley Raffle. And I guess because I've emceed it for a few years now (five I guess, since Ive been President) I don't have the jitters. We sell 175 tickets at $125 per ticket and rent a VFW hall; that ticket gets 2 people admission to the event, one chance to win the bike, dinner for 2 (catered by a local restaurant) and a rock band from 8 to midnight. It's our fundraiser for the year. People start coming at 4, they start to eat at 5, and the Raffle will begin by 6. It's the kind of raffle where you don't want to hear your number so it's the elimination method. And I have to stand up there with the microphone to chat and call the number s and try to make banter. It is SO VERY AGAINST my personality but I have to do it and I do my best We used to have a very charismatic president and I always judge myself against how he could capture the whole room, but I just have to accept that they are stuck with me
  • Hi Holly
    i bet the event was great. It sounds like a big event to organize. So cudos to you! How did the event and emceeing turn out? I am certain you were great. I understand the whole anxiety around performing. For a while in the 1980s I was a solo popular jazz piano player. It was not easy. Another time in the early 1980s I agreed to emcee something. The press was there I was not good at it. My boss told me after it was over that I was talking wayyy to fast.

    Re bonding with the babies and children, you have a big and loving heart. So I wouldn't be surprised to read that in the spring you feel close to a few of them. Then next winter you will already know some. But learning a new job is always challenging. Especially for someone who has such high standards for themself.

    im done with winter. It was very nice. I'm ready for spring Three more months to go. 'Nuff said about that, lol. Hope you are having a good day.

    Anyone who is reading this, you are welcome to join in.
  • Quote:
    For a while in the 1980s I was a solo popular jazz piano player.
    That is so cool!!! Wow!! that is so interesting Pat!! bet there's lots we don't know about you...yet

    Yes the event went well thank goodness! and one of our members won, which is very nice. And it's over for another year which is even nicer.

    My cold is still hanging on, I *think* it's a sinus infection at this point..it's been a month, I caught a cold on Dec. 17th and I still have runny nose/stuffed up nose/sore throat/goop/coughing fits/sinus and teeth pressure. Three times I have thought I was better for a day or so, then wham yuck again. I will give it 2 more days and then go to an urgent care place.

    We got alot of snow last night!! Well let's see we got snow on Wed./Thursday, maybe 6 inches. Took care of all that; and I think we got 10 to 12" last night/this morning. Spent hours today with the little electric snow thrower and then regular shoveling. It is very light and powdery so not that bad (except at top of driveway) and it is excellent conditioning exercise.

    Yes, anyone reading along, you are welcomed here! as you can see we just talk about what's going on
  • Quote:

    im done with winter. It was very nice. I'm ready for spring
    this was very funny
  • Holly
    how is the sinus infection? Im really sorry you have been dealing with if for so long. Did you end up going to the Dr.? They can be very difficult to treat. Sometimes these bacterial infections need a bit of help. I used to get a lot of sinus infections.

    Not surprised at all to read that all went well with the event you organized and emceed. Glad its over this year.

    I'm a happy camper that the temps in the valley will be in the 30s for the entire 10 day forecast. Snow only one day??? that's kind of crazy. But great for me.

    Tomorrow I have to go downtown. Something I do NOT like to do. Then go get photos printed for my cards. My sleep hours have gotten all crazy. So I will have to drink coffee to wake up early in the morning. When my body time clock gets messed up it effects my weight. So I have to do something called tracing my meridians. A different meridian for each 2 hour period of time. eg the heart meridian gets traced at some point between the hours of 11am to 1pm. Its a bit time consuming and a PITA. But I need to start doing it again. I've been gaining weight. need to stop eating rotisserie chicken. I hope you have a good day or night.

    As always, all are welcome to post here. <3
  • Hello Pat and anyone else who is here

    How did your journey downtown go? I hope you got everything accomplished needed. And that you were able to wake up on time, and then get your body's time / sleep rhythms back into sync. and get the photos printed for your awesome cards.

    I held on through Monday and Tuesday at work; then on Tuesday afternoon I did go to an Urgent Care place (the one in Waterbury that is part of Central Vermont Hosp). Was diagnosed with a sinus infection but she also ordered 2 chest x rays to check for pneumonia. Those came back clear thank goodness but now I don't want to think of the cost of the x rays It is one of those horrible facts of living that we pay over $600 a month in health insurance premiums yet still have to pay so much for anything medical. Oh well. It's better when I don't think about it Anyway the antibiotics kicked in almost right away and I feel so very much better!!! I had forgotten what it was like to NOT be sick!

    Just finished 2 hours of shoveling. We got only a couple of inches but it was like 2 inches of SnoCones. The heaviest wettest stuff ever. Good exercise is all I can say.

    Work is okay. It is very frustrating that there is so much that I am not told, that I just have to kind of find out, and I really, really don't like that method of learning. I ask as many questions as I can and try to do what I think is expected, but there is something almost every day that is not quite right. Nothing bad or horrendous, just comments from the downstairs lead teacher (a female curmudgeon ) like "I have been introducing the kids to raisins but they don't like them IN things, and they picked them all out" ( I had prepared bagels with peanut butter and raisins for their snack the day before). And that is totally valid..yet I had specifically asked one of the other downstairs teachers, the day before, if the kids liked raisins in things and she said yes. Or that the Cheerios/peanut butter bars were a bit hit..."but don't put the apples in the middle". Well, listen, lady, that was to add some fresh fruit to a snack. And the co-director (who praises EVERYTHING I make, bless her!) suggested that I bake chicken drumsticks for the kids' lunch one day, they were on sale and she thought the kids would love it...the downstairs curmudgeon decided that the kids would NOT love it and I think she persuaded the kids to NOT eat them!! 3 kids out of 15 ate them

    I'm sorry for all this venting Pat And yes it is only until the end of April. and I'm thankful to have a job. But I know what I am capable of (and how much I usually make an hour, I'm making 30% less) and it is so frustrating that nothing is written down, that I had 1 1/2 days of 'training' before being put on my own. and the other co-director is hinting that she would like new ideas for meals and snacks...well that would mean researching on my own time at night, and I am not making enough money for that! Harumph.

    ooops I kept on venting didn't I. Well we do say that we can talk about anything here right I hope to hear about anything and everything that is going on!
  • Holly
    glad you went to dr and got medication for the sinus infection. Its so awful that people do not get medical treatment when they need to because of high deductibles. You waited for so long to go to the walk in clinic. Then you will have to pay for the xrays because you have a high deductible policy. IMO practically no one can afford a health care policy with low deductible. I'm old. So at this point I am on medicare. For several years before then I was on VHAP. So I had GREAT coverage. But I do remember the days when I was paying a fortune for medical insurance. And had a fairly high deductible. The system is shameful

    Sorry you are having such a challenging time at work. Having a bully (in your words "a female curmudgeon") in a position of control is very stressful. I know how you do everything in your power to get things right at work. Too bad people can be so mean. I am guessing she is a very unhappy woman. Do you think you have too many bosses there? Satisfying the kids, the head teacher who is not a happy person, and others? Having to please them all when they are on different pages. Is there a way that you could meet with them all? explain that you have a lot of bosses to please? And then see if they can come up with a menu that would please them? I know the co-director is supportive and kind.

    I remember kids like "ants on a log". So why wouldn't they like raisins with pb in a bagel? I know kids are very picky but whats wrong with Apple slices??? Its completely understandable that you would think that the kids would like chicken drumsticks. And then you think the head teacher is influencing the kids re: the food. That's a lot for you to deal with.

    I know you strive for perfection when you do your job. And you usually succeed. So its understandable how difficult and frustrating this would be. Not being able to please everyone who thinks they must be pleased. And giving you negative feedback. Too bad its this way because they are lucky to have you work there.

    Have you considered inviting them to meet with you about menu choices? Maybe if you all can get together for a few minutes you can come up with menu ideas. Kids are tough to cook for. Add in a bully teacher

    I wish you had a job where you were valued for what you do. You wholly deserve that ! Whats wrong with some people who just make life difficult for others.

    Hi to everyone who might be reading. Please feel free to join in the conversation, start a new one. Or just reading here is good too if that feels easier for you.

    Im having a difficult time with food. Wanting to eat everything and then more Yesterday I ate very greasy baked chicken. Then went and got a large cookie and made bittersweet chocolate ganache which I put on the cookie. ugh. I need to stop this out of control eating. I need to focus more on greens. Spinach and salad. Im just eating my feelings. Superbowl Sunday is coming up. I may eat the food and definitely not watch the game, lol.
  • Hello Pat! I find winter such a difficult time when it comes to food and eating. The cold weather keeps us inside, food is DELICIOUS and filling and it is so easy to 'eat our feelings' isn't it. I hope you are able to find balance with your meals

    Pat you are SUCH a compassionate and sympathetic listener/contributor! thank you so much for your understanding words Yes you are right on, that I have many humans to please there!! 2 Co-Owners/Directors; 2 Upstairs teachers, 3 Downstairs teachers, and all those kiddos. And you are definitely right, that a meeting would be so beneficial, to get everyone 'on the same page'. To point out that the easy-going Co-Director (the one who is 1000% pleased with me) says that I can make the meals however I want; I can change the posted menu if needed at anytime; make substitutions at any time; and have the Downstairs Curmudgeon hear that

    Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday

    Hasn't it been so wonderful to see the sun for the past 2 days?? so very enjoyable!!!

    as we repeat each time, we welcome anyone else here!
  • Hi Holly
    yes, hopefully a little meeting will let them know that you need for them ALL (the head teacher who isn't) to be reasonable. Hopefully the others will see what a predicament you are in with the different needs and dissatisfaction. Maybe you could ask the co-director if people can go to her with complaints about the food you serve. That way she can see whats really happening.

    I just re-read my post to you the other day. I guess my edit skills were not activated, lol. The sun was great. Supposedly Wednesday we will have sun. But often the weather reports are not so accurate. Snow on Thursday and Friday? hope its not a lot.

    Re the eating my feelings, my body resolved that temporarily. I cannot eat solid foods, sugar dairy... because I parasites came back and have caused a gruesome inflammation thing. Living on carrot puree soup, powdered bone broth, a bit of sesame oil or olive oil and a small amount of tart cherry juice. usually when I have inflammation I do not lose much weight. But i'm eating around 400 calories today. yesterday I had only 250 calories. its what my body can handle. even then it very painful. Treating inflammation is difficult for me because my body cannot handle the the best anti-inflammatories. I may have to go on the celery juice protocol. Every morning before I eat or drink anything I will have to make at least 16 ounces of celery juice. Then drink it right away. cannot let it sit because it loses properties if it does. Cant imagine how much celery it takes to make at least 16 ounces. I am not a morning person. So this will be quite a challenge. My regular process is to find my way to the kitchen and as quickly as possible make coffee. Then spend the next hour waking up

    please do give updates about the work situation. I care.

    Hi to everyone reading this. Please join in if you would like. More people makes us happy.

    so, thats my automatic diet.
  • You guys, winter is so hard! All I want to do is curl up on my couch, crawl under your blanket, and eat cookie dough. Or maybe chocolate pie. Or pecan pie. Or chocolate and caramel candy. So... I'm trying out some new habits...like don't go straight to the couch when I get off work. And for sure don't buy any more cookie dough!!

    It also feels like the sun never comes out and when it does, the day is so short and it seems like it's never enough. My PMS symptoms are out of control and some days I can't even begin to explain how I feel inside! I feel crazy and emotional and over the top and just plain exhausted! So many times I just want to sit down and cry...

    I don't know if I have SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or straight up depression. Either way I recently started using ginkgo biloba and I think it might be working for me. When I did research on it, all the articles said it helps with mood and gives energy and I need both of that now! It also says it will help with PMS symptoms, but I'll have to let you know about that. I'll keep you posted.