Letting go and letting God!!

  • Hey there!

    So, I would have scoffed at the idea of OA (Overeaters Anonymous) in the past. I simply needed to 'cut back' and exercise and I am also not religious, so the idea of letting my Higher Power help me out seemed weird as well.

    But, here I am! 2 days in. I'm on Step 1; admitting I have a problem that is out of control!

    After losing 100 pounds, gaining back 50, losing a few again, gaining it back, waking up in crumbs, many times, after a night of binge eating, I am ready to admit I am ADDICTED to sugar and all those white and starchy foods that turn to sugar instantly in your bloodstream.

    I also have Hashimotos thyroiditis and hypoglycemia. I have a 'prescribed' (by a nutritionist) 'Food Plan' that I must stick to lest I relent to my addiction of overeating foods that aren't great for health.

    I hope I can find support here. I will go to meetings and use my literature but I need more than that. My obsession with food, my sugar addiction and my compulsive eating WERE my life, so I need to transfer that 'passion' to my recovery and that means giving the 'cure' lots of love.

    I have decided I DO believe I have a Higher Power and She gives me the strength to get going and will take on the burden with me of getting well into recovery where the sailing will hopefully be smoother. I will always be an addict so I will always need to focus on recovery.

    I respect whatever plan you're on! You've got my support, 100%! OA is my 'plan' and I hope I can get support here. Today was my first day of 'abstinence'. I stuck to my food plan religiously and I feel great about it. I must live in abstinence to really have the good health and joy we all deserve.

    Thanks for listening! I'm here for you too!

    XO, CrazyTrain
  • So, while this is not entirely about weight loss, but is also is about managing unhealthy behaviors, I still 'care' about my weight. Hey, I'm human! I don't like wearing the giant house dresses I bought on Amazon every day. While these giant jersey dresses, with side pockets and that are long enough to go to the floor are very comfy, I desire to wear my old jeans! And make-up and heels. Sure, nobody but me is stopping me now but I just don't 'feel' like it. I feel like a slug in slow motion.

    I look forward to the day, in several months, when I can (will choose) to wear jeans, make-up and heels, which I really enjoy. My much belabored point is that I lost 5.5 pounds in one day. That is testimony as to how much I have to lose, I'm sure. And a lot of it MUST be water since it is impossible to lose 5.5 pounds of fat in 24 hours. A mix of water and fat? Likely! But I'll take it! It is inspiring after my first day of abstinence, to see the scale budge down in an encouraging way.

    I am up drinking my decaf and feeling ready for the day. Have a wonderful day!

  • I am on day 2 of abstinence and I am going through a 'flu' period that was expected. I am going off sugar, off compulsive overeating and off the major caffeine I was consuming. I switched to decaf, which of course has a little caffeine in it. It's the perfect amount for me. I quit smoking cold turkey 29 years ago (2 pack a day smoker from the age of 14 until 21, when I quit), and I felt like this. Flu-ey and icky and wanting to succumb to my addiction.

    I look at that experience as hope. I respect how incredibly difficult it is to quit smoking. It was really, really hard for me but I somehow did it and my health is as if I never smoked because of it. Even within a few years (because I was young) my health was as if I was a lifetime non-smoker.

    I have hope that I will feel WAY better (I have a slight headache, sort of foggy, sleep is weird etc.) in about 2 to 3 weeks. My system is going through a major change.

    Here is to being 2/3 rd's of the way through day 2 of abstinence and eating my prescribed Food Plan.

    Go me!
  • Welcome to the forum, Crazy Train. Many others have felt as you do. Just keep doing one day at a time. Look around the forum and you might find a group to.join in to give and get needed support. Good luck to you.


12-step, food addiction, overeaters anonymous