Like a phoenix, or a bad rash....

  • I'm baaaack!

    Went to the doctor for my annual physical a few weeks ago, and was disappointed to find I'd gained all but 15lbs back over the last few years. I could make all sorts of excuses as to why, but let's be honest; I got lazy. It's time to tighten the willpower back up, and come up with some lunch solutions at my new work location that don't involve the food court at the mall across the street.

    Going about this a little differently than last time and kind of easing my way back into it. I've tried to jumpstart a few times over the last few years, and always hit the end of the week (or day 2....) and petered out. This time, I'm going to ease my way back in.

    I bought a small notebook that fits in my purse, and left the scale buried in the bottom of the linen closet. My first goal is to spend 1 month writing down everything I eat. Absolutely everything. I don't need numbers for quantities, but if I eat a full bag of chips, then I write down, "a full size bag of chips" No one is seeing this book but me, (and maybe my doctor, but that's a decision for later) but I will be firm and I will not lie, prevaricate, forget, shade or otherwise falsify this book of food.

    During the first month, I'm not making any effort to change my eating habits, that will come next month after I have a baseline. Month two, maybe month three I'll get the scale out of the closet and take a look. For now, it's not about the weight loss, it's about the change in lifestyle.

    Let's see how this goes.