Need MRC menu and information packet

  • Does any have this information below? If so, can you email it to me? [email protected]

    From a previous post:
    Default MRC Menu & Information Packet
    I've seen so many requests recently for menus, that I had an idea. I've searched and found many of the menus, information sheets, tip sheets, and guidelines. I'm combining them into one nice and neat pdf file. This is what I have:

    Pre-Conditioning Instruction Sheet
    Meal Selector
    Meta-Slim Days 1-4
    Meta-Slim Days 5-10
    Meta-Slim Three Meal Plan
    Meta-Slim Plus
    Meta-Slim Plus Level 2
    Meta-Quick Menu
    Protocols and Guidelines
    Behavioral Change Instructions
    Nobody's Perfect: How You Can Stop Trying
    Restaurant Guide
    Water: How 8 Glasses A Day Keep Fat Away
    Plateaus Are Good Signs
    Plateau Busting Tips
    Beware The Feeder
    Product Sheet
    Product Selection Sheet
    Food Sheet
  • Hi, Dedawn68!
    I was wondering if you ever received a response with the info you requested? I'm searching for the same. There is not a center nearby so I'm trying to put it together on my own.
  • I am in desparate search of Metabolic Research Center green menu. Pls help!
  • Has anyone been able to get the menus? I wish I would have saved these from when I did it 10 years ago
  • I would advise you to be cautious when sharing personal information such as your email address online. As for the information you are looking for, it seems like someone has compiled a comprehensive packet of resources related to the MRC program. I hope you are able to obtain the information you are looking for and find it helpful in achieving your health and fitness goals.

