Newbie saying hello

  • Hi,

    I am new to fat chicks and though I would say hello.

    I'm 27 and I live in Manchester uk.

    I have been doing WW for 7 weeks now, although I did lose a bit of weight on my own before but got stuck at 172 lbs.

    I had been losing a few pounds a week until last week when I put on a massive amount

    I am hoping you will all inspire me to behave better

  • Hi Missy,

    Welcome aboard. I'm sure this site will inspire and motivate you to lose those last extra pounds. Well done on losing 20lb since May - thats a great achievement! Just jump right in and join some threads, or start a new one!

    Don't worry about putting on weight last week - we've all done it! Just get back into it and don't look back!

    Nice to 'meet' you

    Amanda xx
  • Thanks Amanda

    Well I am off to a good start. I have just got back from the gym and I'm exhausted.

    My legs are already aching. I worked very hard so hopefully it will do me some good. I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow though
  • Well done Missy!

    I went to the gym today too - I went twice last week and it really boosted my weight loss for the week - I lost 3lb.

    I've only been once so far this week, but I've been on the exercise bike 3 times aswell, so I'm not doing too bad! There's no doubt about it, the only way to lose weight is to eat a low fat, healthy diet and GET THAT BUTT MOVING!!

    I'm suprised you haven't had more 'welcomes' - it seems awfully quiet around here at the moment!

    Keep at it!

    Amanda xx
  • Hi Missy Moo!

    DOn't worry about the gain. It does come off again. I had a gai of 6lb once (mind you it was over a 3 week period when I had not been to class). I was shocked though. I find that as long as you are happy on the diet and it seems right for you then you know when you are doing wrong and can easily get back on track. I am on Slimming WOrld myself and have foud it the best. Although I am avoiding the usual 'bad' things it doesn't seem like dieting as I can eat rice, pasta and spuds. I know when I have cheated (raspberry trife, tiramisu, pringles etc. For some strange reason these are not diet food!!!). If you enjoy what you are eating on the diet then all should be well. However as you will see from some of the posts we are all human. Some of us even drink!!!!

    Keep checking the weekly weigh in for inspiration. Laugh and cry along with the rest of us!