Hello from BC Canada :)

  • Hello!

    I'm 34 years old and living on the West Coast of Canada I'm originally from Ontario.

    My entire life, my weight has fluctuated up and down. Right now I am as heavy as I've ever been, and I'm starting to experience health problems like sleep apnea and high blood sugar. So I want to make healthy changes.

    My problem is I am addicted to sugar and I love snacking. When my energy level or my emotions are low, I rely on a chocolate bar or a pastry to perk me up enough to get through the day. Or a coffee. It's hard to imagine what life would be like without excess carbs, caffeine, and sugar. But I want to get to the point where I won't feel like I am depending on these things.

    I haven't started a program yet but I've previously tried a multitude of programs. Some programs work very well for me if only I have the discipline to stick with it. I've got an appointment coming up next month for a weight loss clinic; I am hoping that being accountable to a doctor and having access to a support group will help me.
  • They say it takes 10 years on average to quit smoking, which is daunting if you compare it to food but you gotta start today and you'll eventually reach goal. It's gonna take time, everyone is different so figuring out what works best is per individual. One of the things I just started was not drinking alcohol, and not keeping any binge-worthy food in my house. Good luck!
  • I could literally have written that post!

    Firstly Welcome!

    I rejoined today - I am almost the same weight as you - 238lbs - and have a ridiculously sweet tooth. I rely on chocolate or sugar in tea to get me through most situations. Im also an emotional eater and I suffer from anxiety and depression so that doesnt help some days!

    I also am starting to have difficulties sleeping , or staying asleep .

    I also find I need to be help accountable for my actions.

    I havent drank alcohol in over 18 years now and have managed to cut out caffeine too. I have a condition called Menieres disease so Im not meant to have caffeine, alcohol, MSG, excessive salt and sugar, chocolate or cheese - so they are slowly sucking the fun out of everything for me!

    If you would like a diet buddy / penpal to go on this journey with you - feel free to give me a shout! Id love someone who is in the same boat as me to paddle with me :-)
  • LittleLostMe: I love the sugar in tea thing. There is nothing more comforting than a cup of sweet tea. And it's just tea, right, it can't be bad???

    Romaine Calm: Welcome from the other side of the world. Congrats on starting the journey. I speak with such authority since I've been at this for ONE WEEK! :-)