Can losing weight help with depression?

  • I have heard that losing weight can boost confidence and also depression, is that true? or is it the change in diet that helps decrease depression?

    does losing actual fat contribute to more happiness.
  • Your question has been asked in research labs. It does depend on the individual and how much their brain ties food/fat to reward circuitry. Here is an example article for research in the field

    However, I also found (anecdote ahead) that weight loss can contribute to episodic depression as I struggled dealing with the way I felt others perceived me. I had to mesh my own achievements, perceived differences in the way people interacted with me, and my own outward behavior. I was bothered by how different people were treating me without accounting for changes in my own projected confidence. It took a while to just be comfortable with my new normal.
  • Quote: I have heard that losing weight can boost confidence and also depression, is that true? or is it the change in diet that helps decrease depression?

    does losing actual fat contribute to more happiness.
    Yep, there's lots of research on the matter of diet and depression. At a physiological level, less sugar usually means less depression. People might get a sugar high, but after they come down, they really come down.

    I mean, for each individual, depression can either be situational (divorce, death), physiological (hormone imbalance or lousy serotonin receptors) or even a side effect from certain drugs! So it's difficult to say if a healthy diet can improve each individual's depression. Because there are so many different forms and causes of depression.

    But I think it's safe to say if you're eating lots of vegetables and protein, instead of chips, chocolate and slurpees ... your mood is going to be much more stable than someone who's constantly going up and down from sugar highs and crashes.

    Feeling good after losing weight is short lived. I think the better antidote to permanent stable mood is healthy diet.
  • Enjoy the Ride
    Yeah man, weight can definitely be one of those things lead to depression,

    but there is no need to feel bad about your body, it is all in your mind, you can turn this to a positive experience, ask yourself what do you want and then engage yourself to a some program that lets you achieve your goal, if its gym so be it-- but here is the catch, do not put pressure on yourself, take your time to enjoy it, take is as your feel good session, do not expect immediate results, it will take time but enjoy the ride as you get to your goal.
  • It seems very correlated to me. One might get depressed about being very overweight ( like 75+ lbs) then feel a lot better if they lose a nice chunk of that like 20-40 lbs, then maybe get a bit down again if they hit a plateau and can't seem to lose anymore. I say claim it as a victory on your personal little war against the unwanted flab. The worst thing is potentially gaining it back and maybe even a few more lbs ! Do it slowly, much better chance of success that way !

    At some point you might even have to accept that you are unlikely to be able maimtain the weight you had age 21, when you hit 40 and accept some compromise between your peak weight and what you weighed when much younger. If you are a an average height female that once weighed 130, and got up to 220, then if you can get to say 170 in middle age and maintain that, you pretty average and accept that you are 50 lbs lighter than you were and be happy about that !, instead of dwelling on being 40 lbs heavier than you were 25 years ago ! attitude helps a lot. Most everyone of your HS girlfriends is in the same spot as you, or even worse !
  • Yes, if a person is overweight or obese, decreasing weight can greatly alleviate depressive symptoms.
    In the following ways, healthy weight loss may aid in managing depression:
    • Increasing self-confidence
    • Raising one's self-esteem
    • Calming the mood
    • Improving one's self-perception
    • Gaining others' respect and attention
    • Enhancing the standard of living
  • As someone who has dealt with both weight issues and depression, I can speak from personal experience regarding the potential benefits of losing weight in combating depression. Although I want to emphasize that everyone's journey is different, I firmly believe that shedding excess pounds can indeed have a positive impact on one's mental well-being. For me, weight loss became a turning point in my battle against depression. Engaging in regular exercise and adopting healthier eating habits not only led to physical changes but brought about significant improvements in my mental state as well. However, it is vital to acknowledge that while losing weight can undoubtedly contribute to improved mental well-being, it should not be considered a singular solution or a substitute for professional help. Depression is a complex condition that requires a multifaceted approach, including therapy, support networks, and, if necessary, medication. I personally took Celexa from Canadian Pharmacy that helped me beat my depression.
  • I don't really know, because when I'm stressed, I lose weight, because I don't want to eat anything, but I know that sports help me get rid of depression, I try to run when I'm in a bad mood
  • Yes,losing weight can indeed have positive effects on confidence and mental well-being. This can be attributed to a combination of factors, including increased self-esteem, improved body image, and the potential influence of lifestyle changes, including a healthier diet and increased physical activity.
  • Yes! Losing weight can have a positive impact on depression!
    Losing weight can have a very positive impact on depression. Here are some key points to consider:

    1. Biological Factors: There is evidence to suggest that obesity and depression can be interconnected through biological factors. For example, obesity is associated with chronic inflammation, which may have an impact on mood. Losing weight may reduce inflammation and improve overall physical health, potentially leading to an improvement in mood.

    2. Physical Activity: Engaging in regular physical activity is a common component of many weight loss strategies. Exercise has been shown to release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Regular physical activity can also improve sleep patterns, which can be disrupted in individuals with depression.

    3. Self-Esteem and Body Image: For some individuals, losing weight can lead to an improvement in self-esteem and body image. This can positively influence their mental well-being and reduce symptoms of depression. However, it's important to note that self-esteem and body image issues can be complex, and weight loss may not be the solution for everyone.

    4. Psychological Factors: Depression often has psychological and emotional causes, such as trauma, stress, or life events. Weight loss alone may not address these underlying issues. In some cases, the stress associated with weight loss efforts or the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards can exacerbate feelings of depression.

    /Arman Torabi M.D.
    Author of "Losing weight using simple math”