Do people ever feel or poke your belly fat ?

  • I have had it happen quite a few times from
    Everybody from family, friends, acquaintes,co-workers to complete strangers !

    I know pregnant women always get this. my tummy is bigger than any pregnant woman, so I get it a lot.

    I am fine with it as long as it is a woman doing the touching. I will lift up my shirt and let any woman feel my lovehandles ! I hate it when a guy does it.

    I think a lot of people are fat admirers

    How do you feel about unexpected touching ?
  • Ehh, I don't think poking someone's belly is cool no matter who's doing the touching. Respecting a person's physical boundaries is kind of a basic social skill. If I did that to someone at work, it could be considered harassment. If a family member did it to me, I'd be kind of hurt they were drawing attention to my weight. Maybe men feel about it in a different way than women. But I like to think men deserve the same respect.
  • Prego females get this groping all the time, like it is the automatic right of anyone who wants to to feel your stomach
    One would never assume they could just feel a large breasted gal's boobs because they are big

    My waist is about 21 inches too big
    I like to let having. It be played with be a motivatiol factor in trying to lose weight, plus I just enjoy a belly rub
  • I have never had anyone poke my "belly fat". Not family, not friends, not complete strangers, not even in certain nations overseas where overweight Americans are considered a curiosity and a spectacle. If this is truly happening to you, perhaps you need to discuss boundaries with your friends and family. As for strangers, a straightforward "please do not touch me" ought to get the message across.
  • Weight loss suggestion
  • I think I would probably be in shock... I'm thinking you are surrounded by a lot of people that lack boundaries, sorry for that. :-/
  • Yes, I had it happen many times when I was on the heavier side during college but it was all close friends. I never once got offended or took it the wrong way. Thinking about it now, I probably will find it offensive especially at this age and this point of my life now – even more so from strangers.

    Now if it bothers you or you will like to set some boundaries, you will have to say something.
  • @bougti: Your abs should be a little bit tense, in order to keep your back straight, for the sake of posture, but that's not the same thing as sucking in your stomach. There's no need to suck in your stomach all day.

    "Stomach vacuums" sound like a waste of time. There are better ways to exercise your abs, like squats for example (squats mainly exercise your legs, but they also exercise your abs, because your abs have to work to keep your torso stable).

    There's also no need to take a laxative (unless your doctor told you to take one). For most people, just eating a healthy balanced diet is enough. Make sure you eat enough high fiber foods, e.g. vegetables, beans, fruits, avocado, chia seeds.
  • Agree with this, trying to suck in your tummy all day long is pretty ridiculous !
  • If someone touches my belly, they're pulling back a bloody stump.