
  • Hi!

    Many years ago I joined a website to help me get through a rough break-up, and it really worked.

    It is with that same hope that I joined here today, because I am having a tough time with my weight, and it's bothering me not only physically - but mentally, which only compounds the situation.

    I will be 55 this December, and never before have I been so conscious of my age and 'aging' as I have been for the past few months. I had been at a more or less good weight (a size 8) for a few years, but this summer a lot of really bad things happened, of which one was that I lost my job where I used to run up and down stairs from 8 am until 3 pm, which really helped me not only keep my weight down, but also toned me up. I even felt it in my jowls... LOL.

    Now it's been 4 and a half months since that, and I must have gained like 20 pounds.

    Also, to be completely honest I used to take some diet pills intermittently at that time, and I decided to stop them completely in April. So I think I also have some rebound weight.

    I feel all flabby, jiggly, and 'thick'.

    I could really use some friends - I stopped my facebook page too - who know what this is about.

    A few years back I did the master-cleanse fast and lasted 12 days, but this time I want to do a complete water fast for 21 days.

    Any help that I could get in the meanwhile, I'd really appreciate.

    I may not have time to write in the day, but I will catch up at night!

    Thank you in advance,

  • Hi @Chataflais. We are pretty close in age, I turn 55 in March. I'm actually looking forward to that since it will net me some discounts that I can't get at 54, lol. But I know what you mean about the changes as our bodies age. I know my 'issues' are silly things like how my inner thighs actually sort of droop ( lol 1st World problems.)
    Anyhewww, I am not too far off my goal weight these days, got about 8 to go, but I hadn't been paying much attention for the past year and so I had gained that bit. Too many other family stresses to deal with (aging parents with dementia and other health issues) means I have kinda put 'me' on the back burner even though I know that I can't be there for them if I don't take care of myself first.
    I'm not sure what the master class cleanse is, but I Intermittently Fast (IF) at a ratio of 16:8. That's 16 hrs no food and an 8 hour eating window. Pretty easy for me since I am also low carbing (under 50g a day right now, at about 100g in maintenance.) If you want very good, latest info on fasting to improve blood glucose, weight, and other health issues, Canadian nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung has some great resources out there. Try reading his first book, The Obesity Code. You don't have to spend any money, just get it out of the library. Very good basic knowledge about how fasting changes the hormones in the body and increases health. He uses fasting for pretty well all his Type 2 Diabetic patients (Kidney complications are huge in diabetes - that's why he's a nephrologist) with great results. You can also get periodic emails from his website for free with lots of helpful information without actually joining his program. That's what I do. Here's the site Intensive Dietary Management Program You don't have to be T2D to get benefits though. His last email was about the myths out there that fasting is no good for women. Bunk of course!
    Hop on when you can, and try to stay off the 'diet pills' they are definitely not healthy especially if they are the metabolism booster types with guarana or yerba, or even chemicals. Health is more important than weight.
    We got this!
