Tummy woes with SBD?

  • Hello fellow "Beach Bunnies". My husband and I just began the SBD today,and so far, so good. Problem is, I have developed a pretty good case of diarrhea since this evening after dinner. We had low fat homemade minestrone soup with a variety of legal veggies. Anyone else had this when doing SBD? Hope it goes away! I feel fine, just in the bathroom all night! Hope all of you are doing well on the diet. Blessings!
  • If your not used to eating so many veggies that could be, cut back on the veggies a bit and see if it helps.....also could be a coincidence since you just started today.
  • Rowan could be right...it could just be a coincidence. Or it might just be your body's way of adusting to your new way of eating. I haven't heard that is a problematic side effect on SBD...if anything people have the opposite problem!

    Good luck!