
  • In the last year I've gone from 200 pounds which I was not too happy with to begin with to 250 pounds. I'm nearly 21 years old and 5"6. I moved away from my family to be with my long time boyfriend and I've gained a massive amount of weight. I'm so uncomfortable and sad in this body. I have to change something before I put myself in an early grave. I'm planning to go to the doctor soon because I'm afraid I may have something wrong with me. I can no longer do this alone, I'm afraid I'll keep gaining weight if I don't start changing the way I'm living. Any support is appreciated even just a chat will help me stay on a healthier path.
  • Welcome to the site, KaidieLin

    There is a lot of useful information here. I recommend you go through some of the archives (older threads), too. There are a lot of people with success stories, even if they don't use the site any longer.

    A piece of advice I have for you is to accept that you absolutely can lose the weight, but that it will take time. It's not magic, but it's completely possible. Talking to your doctor is a good idea - they'll hopefully have some resources to help get you started. You may know this already, but what you eat is going to be 90% of what lets you lose weight. Exercise is excellent for health, but not very helpful for weight loss. If you want to focus on one of them to start off (as seems to be common), focus on food.

    Again, you can totally do this. Just one step at a time.
  • You are welcome KaitieLin!