Oh thank Heavens I have found you again!

  • Hi All, I just rejoined WW after about a year of being off plan due to injury and when I rejoined I see that they have went completely social media/twitter style and did away with the message boards. I am not a FB/Twitter person(I ditched FB due to all the drama LOL) and the twitter-type feed of cats, dogs, grandkids, and every thought OTHER than WW was really making me insane(after just 5hrs I was ready to cancel my new membership). I joined the At Home program in 2002 and remembered the name of this group and am so happy to see that this is still active! I love my WW program but I do not need to know everything about everyone on the hour. LOL I just want to log in, search recipes(without a pound/number sign, just call me a hashtag hater LOL), recommendations and ideas about the program. I'm not anti-social, just worry that people who are trying to lose weight and seeking validation on social media, that can be really counterproductive. I saw so many "I lost x amount of pounds and no one "liked" my post" yesterday. How can that be good for people who already have insecurities about themselves? I think WW dropped the ball by ditching the boards completely and going to the Connect format only. But anyway, here I am, 211.7lbs of me, recovered from injury(for the most part), and ready to get back in shape!
  • Good luck! How has it been going?