Need Support Partner

  • Looking for a support partner to check in with weekly or daily to share meal plans and general weight loss chit chat. Hopefully counting calories. I'm a mom, 27 , and 5'4 looking to go from 126.7 to 112. I stay to 1200 or 1400 calories a day and lose about .5 to 1 lb a week. I've lost 9 lbs already in 2 months and it's been getting harder to stay motivated by myself.
  • If you create a thread, I'm sure people will join.

    Good luck. I am 5'5" and would love to be 112 lbs and I eat 1500 cal/day and don't lose. I've found eight pounds since training like a power lifter though!
  • Hey!

    I'm 27 (28 next month), 5'3/5'4 and have the same weight goals! Trying to be around 110lbs or just leaner. I've been fluctuating around 120-115 forever and I'm trying to finally be serious about this and reach my goal by the end of the year.

    I recently started doing Barre Classes (about a month ago) and looking into different eating habits. I've been reading about 16:8 "Diet" and thinking about starting that on Sunday.

    I'm current;y trying the Dr. Oz Total 10 Diet. But to be honest I'm not really sticking to it. I'm following it about 95% but still can't seem to commit.

    I'm so down to be your support partner, especially since it seems like we're starting off at the same level and our goals are the same.

    Let me know!

    - Cass
  • Keeping track of weight here seems to be the easiest.

    The main thing that seems to work on my end at least is eat next to nothing, like 900 calories, or keep net carbs under 100 g. Eating 900 calories is not pleasant and I don't do it. I'm also not on a diet and never have been, it's a lifestyle choice.

    Weight lifting has caused me to gain 5-7 lbs but didn't when I went lighter (up to 20 lb free weights), had less rest time and pyramid the weight.

    If you lift, if you go heavy with fewer reps, you can get stronger but will increase your scale weight.

    You are close. At 5'3" it's 115 lbs and 5'4" 120 lbs if you use 100 lbs at five feet and 5 lbs per inch (this is what my doctor told me)
  • The issue i'm having with keeping track of my weight is that I don't know what is fat and what is muscle. Especially since I've started working out regularly, granted its not lifting, I know that I am gaining muscle so the number on my scale isn't really dropping.

    Though another BIG issue i'm having is that with the exercise, I'm almost ALWAYS hungry! And I've been really good about what I'm eating but I've noticed my tummy is not as flat as it used to be and it's really discouraging.

    I'm hoping this intermittent fasting will be my solution.
  • Measure with a tape measure if the scale doesn't seem accurate.
  • Measured this morning, relieved to see that my measurements have not increased, but also a bit disappointed that they haven't decreased either. But I've only been doing this workout class for a month. I feel a lot stronger though. So i'm not too worried yet, just happy that nothing has gotten bigger. Going to try to just use my scale once a week instead of daily so I stop relying on the number but keep an eye on it at the same time.
  • Hows it going?