Another newbie

  • I am in my 60s, but very immature mentally when it comes to food. I tried SparkPeople before but it didn't click with me. Have been to WW innumerable times, Jenny Craig, OA, TOPS, LA Weight Loss, YMCA Pre-Diabetes class. My blood sugar is elevated, on verge of becoming diabetic. I have chronic pain & it is not in control with Celebrex. RT hip, LT knee, feet, RT shoulder, 'pain of the day' club member. My problem is, I lost 20 lb from Jan to May & my arthritis pain was no better. Then I started eating to comfort myself. My husband returned from a month long vacation in Thailand. He went without me because I 'can't keep up with him' & I love my pets too much to leave them. My life feels real sad & empty. We had two kids. One hasn't spoke to us for 10 years & I give up. The other has mental health problems too, has a 2-yr-daughter I adore, and is not married. She announced recently she is going to another state & taking our granddaughter away, which has me very upset. I started off watching the baby 3 days a week & then it worked into 5, which was too much for me but I love the child. Our daughter's partner is an alcoholic & not working & declaring bankruptcy & she doesn't see that it's a mistake to move several states away with him.

    Not making excuses, just have to know how to get started when I'm feeling hopeless? I went to a 'support group' last week & the leader threatened to kill himself. Not going back to that one! I have been 'taking care of myself' by eating nothing but sweets. Anyone out there able to say how they broke the cycle? The longest I stuck with a plan was 3 years of no binges & lost 90 lb. Then we retired, I cracked, gained it all back. Thank you.
  • I encourage you to look at a method of eating whole, nutritious food. Check out Primal on Mark's Daily Apple (website), or the Whole 30. These are lifestyle changes, rather than a diet, and you may find that you not only lose weight but that your inflammation will go down and you'll stop hurting from arthritis. Sugar and processed foods are highly inflammatory, and can make you hurt. I know this for a fact, because I had chronic pain before I cleaned up my own diet. I now eat 99% clean, whole foods that I cook myself at home so that I control the ingredients. No processed foods, no alcohol, and very little sugar. I occasionally indulge in a piece of dark chocolate or some organic ice cream (3 ingredients) but other than that I don't eat any sweets. It's been life changing. I've lost weight- nearly effortlessly- and I feel 1000% better.

    And- welcome to 3FC!