Overweight, shy and new here

  • Hello out there! My name is Raven. I am a 62 year old fat grandma who quit smoking after 40 years and gained almost 50 pounds. I would really, REALLY love to have a weight loss buddy to connect with on a daily basis...someone who needs encouragement too. I'm sorta shy but I'm reaching my hand out to those of you reading this
  • Hi Raven, good to see you. My aunt used to have a home in Alaska for a long time. I want to lose about 50 pounds too, and would be happy to buddy up with you. Congratulations on quitting smoking! I know the pounds may seem like it wasn't such a good deal, but my mother smoked for many years and ended up not being able to cross the room. You can take the weight off!
  • Hi Raven, and welcome!

    I, too, am a fat grandma! I have also gained 50 pounds, partly after quitting smoking in 2006 and then the rest after starting 2nd shift a couple of years later.

    I have decided to make healthy choices and not to stress too much about it. I recently read an article about how bad it is to worry about being out of shape! It makes sense to me, because I tend to become laser focused and obsessive...not a good way to feel. I'm going to be 55 in a little over a year, and I'd like to lose around 45 pounds by then. I should be able to do that without too much craziness! What kind of time goal are you looking at?
  • Hi, Raven! I'm a 62 year old too, a fat spinster! I haven't given up smoking (never started), so have nothing to blame apart from overeating, dieting but not persisting - but this time, determined!

    Good luck!
  • Hi Raven and welcome! I'm a fellow Alaskan, down in Eagle River.