Cycling & PMS = Binge?

  • Hi everyone, I've been struggling a lot over the last week or so.

    I've just amped up my cycling (10 or 20 miles a day or every other day) and at the SAME time, am in the week before my period. I usually get hungry at this time, anyway. That kind of gnawing, cannot-be-tamed hunger.

    It's frustrating because I'm not sure whether it's the PMS or the biking, but the hunger is awful. Even after all kinds of clean eating, I can't seem to satiate it - especially in the evenings.

    I work so hard to burn the calories off, and then I just take them all in again.

    To give you some perspective, I may usually eat between 1,200 and 1,400 calories, but have been recently going to 1,600, 1,800, and 2,500. So, all over the place. I'm 5'6.

    So, a couple of nights ago I binged (I have had issues with that as well) and ate way over my maintenance even while active.

    Now I feel like I'm cycling around and getting strong, sure, but gaining all the calories back! It wouldn't be so bad if I just ate a little more than usual, but it's not just a little. And it feels like it's not even taking hold. A whole bunch of lean protein, yogurt, and vegetables later, and I could still eat!

    Anyway, just feeling frustrated and seeking support.