Help! Any vegetarians have experience with a low FODMAPS diet?

  • Hello all,
    I'm a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) and I'm have some belly/IBS issues. My doctors have put me on a low FODMAPS diet before, and I struggled to find a balance of foods to eat. Then I got pregnant, and I just kind of ditched the diet. A pregnancy/c-section and a gallbladder removal later, my belly is still poofy and unruly and I think I need to revisit the whole low FODMAPS thing. Previously, I found getting enough protein a challenge with the limitations on legumes, soy, and dairy. (There are only so many eggs I can eat before I want to vomit.) Does anyone have any experience and advice they can share? The advice I get from others is "just start eating meat and you'll be fine" and that's not something I'm willing to do.
    Thank you!